Chapter 2 - Emotional moment

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"What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean?"

In front of me stood my brother, a scowl prominent on his features as a vivid sign of him getting annoyed. I never would have thought we would have a conversation with such hatred floating in the air. A hatred directed from one way, from someone that I loved and cared about.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Stop chasing after me!"


"You heard me! I don't want you near me! Why won't you just stay the fuck away from me?!"


"I don't give a shit about that crap. I'm just leaving and never coming back. Try getting it through that rock-ass head of yours!"

"Just...just stay away...please." The scorn was no longer present on his face, instead transforming into a deeply etched frown.

With that, he tutned his back on me and started walking away, further from me while I stood, rooted to my place, watching as my surroundings changed into a more familiar place, my home.

"You're such a disgrace"

Turning my head around, I was met with both of my parents' faces. They were both showing signs of disgust, disdain and maybe even regret.

"I should have aborted you when I had the chance to,"

At this point, nothing could describe my state exept for horror. My heart emitting a cracking noise only loud enough for me to hear.

"You don't deserve us.
You deserve to suffer alone."

Everything around me broke down, including my own heart that was clutching with pain and the fat tears that slid shamelessly on my pained face.
Words alone could stab deeper than a knife. Even that word 'stab' was an understatement to describe the hurt inflicted upon me.

Just the mere thought of the people I love most abandoning me and detesting me could bring me to my knees shedding rivers from my eyes. And so, witnessing their acts and dwelling on their words was even worse.

The more I tried to think of what happened, the more my vision was dotted with black spots, until there was nothing left to see.


My eyes snapped open as I woke up drenched in cold sweat while my lungs fought for dear air, my life clearly depending on it. I had risen to my feet from my uncomfortable position on the desk to do my morning routine when I almost stumbled on my way to the mirror right above the sink.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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