Chapter1 - An ordinary day

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"Lets go, Kita. Ojiro, See you tomorrow." I said waving goodbye to the latter while he was on his way out of the gym, even so, he turned around to bid me goodbye.

"Good bye (Surname)."

Kita is my classmate and best friend. He has always been calm and kind, overall, a nice person to be around. It's quite ironic how many students say we are a couple based off the time we spend together. Even though we tell them we are not they don't believe us, so we just let them say what they want. While Ojiro is another second year, just like us, who attends the same club that Kita goes to, the volleyball club.

I befriended most of the second and first years in the volleyball club as they were more approachable than third years. It started with me visiting kita from time to time to go home together after both of our school activities, but it ended up with me coming every day instead and becoming friends with a rather chaotic first year trio....
More acurately: loud twins and a lazy dragged over phone-addict, all of which I wanted to avoid on my journey to get out of scho-

"Hey! (Surname)! Don't you dare get out without saying goodbye!"

Great, just great.
My plans of a quite, headache-free escape went flying out of the window, without me.

"Shut up, Atsumu, you don't order her what to do."

At least Osamu is not as bad as Atsumu when it comes down to parting ways...

"Because it's my turn today to tell her goodbye first"

....remember when I said that I befriended them?
Yeah, I take it back. I didnt befriend them, I adopted those three kindergarten idiots who still fight for turns.

"Who said I was going to wait for you, or even say goodbye? I'm saying goodbye to neither of you, but I'm saying it to Suna because he doesn't give me headaches. So bye Suna, get home safe." The fox eyed boy nodded and waved his hand at me.

"That's all your fault 'samu!" And here we have, the recipe for the miyas' fight:
first, each one of them blaming the other, add a bit of rude comments (even from Suna) and top it all with a little of punches here and there, as a final touch, you can put laying on the ground. And Muwah, here you have it, ready and served.

"It's both of your faults, and if you don't stop right now, you won't have that goodbye until Monday." Reluctantly they let go of each other, both of them having small bruises and guilty expressions, causing Suna to hide his phone.

Suna, you'll be sending this blackmail to me, it will be one heck of a laugh.

"Come on, Kita, we've stayed long enough in here." I grabbed his hand at an attempt to hurry up. But even with all of the scolding from my part, I still bid goodbye to the identical twins before getting completely out of the gym, and a few cheers of happiness could be heard even from outside of it.

It didn't take long until we got out of Inarizaki high school's grounds, just then, I felt a squeeze at my hand and realized I was still holding his own.

"Sorry, I forgot we were still holding hands." Quickly putting my hand over my neck, a sheepish grin itched its way into my face.

"It's alright, I don't mind." I couldn't help but notice a small delicate smile on his lips, causing one of my own.

Yes! Oh my lord, look at that smile! Omg it's so pretty! It's even prettier under the sunset!

Now cross making him smile out of your dream list.

On Edge // Kuroo X ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora