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Chapter 2

Jaune and Braum were walking through the school, "they said they'll meet us in Ohm's Hall." Said Jaune. Braum nodded and they walked by other students and they were amazed.

"That's Jaune?"

"Wait, is that Braum??"

"Whoa, Jaune's looking jacked!" They went into the Hall. Inside were his team and team RWBY. Team RWBY was in shock at whom they saw.

"Wait, Jaune?" Said Ruby.

"Vomit Boy himself." He said, "by the way. Nora, this is my uncle, Braum."

"It is pleasure to meet you." Said Braum as he held out his hand to shake hers. Nora grabbed his hand and shook it. "I think you want autograph?" She nodded, so he nodded and Braum signed a photo of himself.

"How are you...?" Said Weiss.

"Training, what, you think that I'm such a dolt I'd be a 20-pound weakling? I hid everything from you all."

"Wait," said Yang. "You mean you've been playing us all?"

"Like a fiddle, Hell Pyrrha and the others know because I told them."

"What are you capable of then?" Asked Blake.

"I can beat everyone here." Weiss scoffed, "How's About I Show You How Useless You Are? Ice Princess! And I'll do it with just a shield. So, going to go into your allowance and hire Winchester again?"

"You have no proof!" She said.

"Well gee, every time I ask you out, I always get my 'ass kicked' by him." He said, "so I started to put 2 and 2 together. Even though I could make him a hand puppet and cave in his face for guac, why go after me? The records are public, anyone can see them. So, I called in a favor to a friend and she sent me this." He pulled out his scroll and revealed Cardin's bank statement and it showed a good 10 thousand lien was sent there during the month. From SDC, "now I'm pretty sure you didn't do this, right? You're going to have us believe you didn't pay him off to get at me? All because I was interested in you? Honey, you're no prize. With my lineage, I can turn a whore into a housewife. A huntress housewife, that's the kind of stroke I got. How about you?" Weiss was speechless, Jaune didn't want her, "now I know what you are going to say, 'this is so you can chase after me.' Further from the truth, why would anyone waste their time on someone like you? Ms. Perfection, you think we want to be bothered by you? All you have is money, and it ain't even yours. Me? I can buy SDC twice over with lunch money. You're nothing 'scrubbette'.(1)"

"Then why were you chasing after me?" She asked.

"To make you see no one's THAT shallow." Weiss just looked at him. "If I wanted to go out with a rich heiress, I'd go out with a girl Uncle Braum always tries to set me up with. Even then, she's my best friend." Then he looked to Braum, "by the way. Why are you here?"

"Oh yes, Rachel wanted me to tell you to come home after semester. She has decided to make you crown prince." Everyone at the table just looked at them and on the inside, Weiss was screaming like a maniac and cursing herself.

'It Was Only One Date!' She thought, 'One Simple DATE!' Now she knew she missed out on someone who would have treated her like a normal person. Now, even he doesn't want to be bothered by her.

"I have to go, little Jaune," said Braum. "Back to hotel, I will be back in time for all of us to head for Arcadia."

"Okay Unk, see ya then," Jaune said. He left and Jaune was talking to his team. "So, you guys want to go with me to Arcadia?" His team nodded, "okay. I want everyone ready to go when Braum comes back." They nodded, then Jaune went to their room and packed up.

(JNPR's Dorm)

Everyone was getting ready to go to Arcadia. They were talking about what Jaune had said to Weiss, especially Pyrrha. "Jaune, you said if you wanted Weiss you'd, marry a girl your Uncle was trying to hook you up with. And that she was your best friend?"

"Yeah," he said as he was loading up huge ingots into his bag.

"Who is she? I mean what's her name?"

"Her name's Sarah Fortune, she's a bounty hunter." He showed them a picture of a very beautiful redhead. She was wrapped around him in a hug and he had a kiss print on his cheek.

After they were done, they left their dorm and headed for the bullhead station

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After they were done, they left their dorm and headed for the bullhead station. They looked like they were about to go on a mission. When they were stopped by team CRDL, "oh here we go." Said Jaune.

"So," said Cardin. "Where are you losers going?" Pyrrha was about to say something when Jaune stopped her.

"Your house," he said. "To fuck your mom. Heard she was going to pull a train and we want in on the action." Cardin got mad a went to attack him. But Jaune placed his shield out in front of him. "Nora, would you kindly?" She gave an evil grin and pulled out her hammer.

"With pleasure Fearless leader." She slammed it against the shield and not only was the shock wave epic, but a wave of snow and ice flew right at them. 

Then, Jaune shield charge which had a wall of ice in front of it, and slammed the bully against the wall like a hockey player

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Then, Jaune shield charge which had a wall of ice in front of it, and slammed the bully against the wall like a hockey player. Then punched him in the face. Then he deactivated the shield and placed it back onto his back. Cardin slid down the wall with a broken nose.

"Well, I had fun." He said, "let's go." So they head for the Station.


Braum was there waiting on the team, "ah there you are!" He said. "Ready to go?"

"All set Unk." Said Jaune.

"Well then let us go." So they go on the Bullhead and headed for Arcadia.


Note: If it's short, it short. Hope you enjoyed it.

1. Female 'Scrub'.

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