Lunch and Arguments

Start from the beginning

"Are you just going to ignore what I just said? You are such an asshole." My body trembled in rage as I continued our little spew.

"Come on. How did you meet her. She's just a loser, and no one cares about her. She's trying to be your friend because in real life she doesn't have any besides that Lauren girl." Zayn sneered, glancing at Faith. Maybe because assholes like you have prevented that from ever happening. I thought to myself, the stare down never ending.

"You know, people like you... Just really piss me off. I bet you don't even have a reason as to why you're treating her this way! Your just a bully with no reason." I spat harshly in his face. I could tell I was starting to push his buttons with the same force he was pushing mine with, and the anger within him flared.After a few moments of extremely awkward silence and great tension, he finally found his voice again.

"If you want me and everybody else to treat like you like we treat her then be my guest." A few giggles broke out in the crowd and I found myself staring at the person, mentally torturing them in my head.

"Do I look like I care." I said turning back to look him in his eyes.

"But of course, I could never do that to you beautiful." My eyebrows scrunched up in fake disgust as he winked at me. I swear, he has to have some disorder, who changes attitudes that fast? He has to be bipolar.

"Well I hope you don't think the feelings mutual" I replied, quickly  hooking my right arm with Faith as I walked away, basically pulling her with me. Once we got a good distance away from the bystanders, Faith smiled sadly at me as she hugged me weakly.

"You seriously did not have to do that. I basically ruined your chances of not getting hurt... I'm sorry." She stated sadly, her eyes on the verge of tears.I quickly hugged her tightly, wanting to let her know I did want to be her friend, and that I didn’t care whether the people here would accept me or not. I don’t want anybody who's fake, I want someone who I know I can trust, and Faith shows me all those traits.

"I know, but you deserve better.” I spoke quietly through the hug as she quietly sobbed. “I could care less if they try to hurt me, they aren't going to have much luck with that." I smiled at her as we pulled away, a half-hearted laugh escaping her lips as she smiled genuinely. "But Faith... why do you let them talk about you like that?" Her gaze left mine as it fell back on the floor.

"I-I don't know." I let a small sigh escape my lips before smiling again.

"Why do you have to be so shy." I said, causing another small laugh to fall from her.

"Why do you have to be so outgoing."  She nonchalantly replied.

"See! Use that! That sass!" I said pointing at her with excitement, making the  both us to giggle. "What?" I said as she looked at me like I was some kind of unknown specimen. "This is what you have to deal with for the rest of the year, no, no your life even." I  laugh, pointing at myself, causing her to roll her eyes and smile.

"I don't mind." She said happily, the bell disrupting our bonding time, signalling lunch was indeed over.

"Bye Faith see you after school." I said waving at her. She waved back then stopped me.

"Wait!" She said I turned around. "Where are we meeting?" She asked.

"Just meet me at the front of the school." I replied and she nodded, running to her next class.

* * *

I walked into my classroom, glad that it wasn't to far. I greeted myself to the teacher, and she took this time to introduce me to my fellow peers. "Class we have a new student from America, and she would like to introduce herself to you all." Mrs. Tinsley nodded for me to stand up, and I did as instructed. I heard murmurs but blocked them out, knowing they had something to do with my little outburst that I had moments ago. One boy caught my eye though. Zayn. I mentally rolled my eyes as he winked at me , scoping my entire being as I stood in front of the class.

"Hi everyone I'm Carmieona, but you can call me Carmen. I lived in California shortly then moved to, well here." I stated obviously, and finished while I stood awkwardly in front of the class with hundreds of eyes on me. "Can I sit now." I said not caring if anyone heard. Mrs. Tinsley nodded her head and I sat down. I didn't have the chance to pick a seat since there was only one left, and mentally, I thanked God for it being far away from Zayn.

"So class. these are your temporary seats for now until we began our project which is in a few days. So just be prepared."



Faith's P.O.V.


Ugh, physical education... I hate it! Why do they have us wear these dumb uniforms when they know it's basically at freezing point. Plus on top of that we have partners for our new dancing unit, so I ended up getting stuck with Harry, only at the fact that nobody wanted to be my partner, treating me like I was an alien.

"Ok circle to the left!" The teacher instructed as I softly held onto Harry hand, trying to keep a bit space between us.

"Now promenade home!" With that, Harry put his hand on the small of my back and gripped my hand, guiding me around the circle. It was actually quite relaxing having his hands there... I mean that is only because we are in class so he can't do anything to hurt me.

"Are you enjoying this as much as I am?" Harry said. You could practically hear the cheekiness in his voice as annoyance and anger  increased within me.

"If I fail and get an F, even though most believe that's not even possible to do in physical education, I will have to hurt you." I stated matter-a-factly, a snicker being heard in his voice as I rolled my eyes. The bell rung and finally, P.E. was over. We bowed to our partners before I ran off, practically leaving everybody as I changed and left first.



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