Chapter 33: The Guest of Honor

Start from the beginning

"Then why was he on our land?! Why was he planting explosives near The Egg?!"

The president nearly tore his hair out in frustration. "He wasn't planting them- he was removing them!! Someone else put them down there!!"

Bad narrowed his eyes. "Who?"

The goat hybrid flinched- he had gone too far. He was the only person besides Ranboo who knew the truth, and for the sake of the server, Tubbo knew it had to remain that way. "I- erhm, I don't know!"

The demon hybrid threw his head back in wild laughter, a wicked glee lighting his eyes. "You, President of Snowchester, don't know? And yet you beg the innocence of your husband caught red-handed. How delightful."

"It isn't Ranboo, I swear! You have to believe me!"

"Now, now, Tubbo, it doesn't have to be this hard," Bad purred. "Letting Ranboo walk free would only encourage your people to repeat his mistakes." His voice dropping into a low whisper, the hybrid made his final request: "Just give us someone to execute and The Egg will be satisfied."


"I did it."

All heads swiveled in the direction of the lone voice. There, across the aisle, stood Wilbur, his stance determined and his eyes steeled. "I did it," the man admitted. "I was the one who placed the TNT. I was possessed by a dreamon, and Ranboo saved my life. I owe him everything, and I would rather die in his stead."

"Ranboo saved me, too," another voice confessed. Suddenly, Quackity rose to his feet as well, his demeanor just as fearsome as Wilbur's. "Ranboo told me about the TNT under Las Nevadas before it was too late. He doesn't deserve to die!"

"I'll die as well." The final leader in the crowd also joined his fellow rulers in their stand, his crown gleaming in the sun. "Ranboo came to my aid when my castle was overrun by dreamons," Eret said. "He also alerted me to the TNT threat across my kingdom. I would give my life for his in a heartbeat."

Try as he might, Ranboo couldn't break free from his glass prison. He banged and banged on the cursed entrapment over and over until his fists went numb, but it was all in vain. A primal rush of adrenaline set in as he realized he must be minutes away from death. Any moment, Bad could decide that now was the perfect time to end his time amongst the living.

What was The Eggpire planning? Would they stab him with swords? Crush him with stones? Bathe him in lava? The enderman's mind spun with hundreds if not thousands of deadly scenarios, each one more painful than the last.

He desperately seeked out his husband in the crowd. He didn't want his soulmate seeing whatever strange, cruel death The Eggpire had chosen for him; he had to warn him before it was too late. "Tubbo! You have to go! You have to go now! Tubbo!!"

But Tubbo seemed to be fixated on something else, something on the other side of the audience. Ranboo looked to find Wilbur standing up, then Quackity and Eret. The sentient gasped, and he covered his mouth in shock. His banging on the glass became more urgent, his voice tilting towards hysteria. "NO!! DON'T DO THIS!! NOT FOR ME!!"

Will Tubbo, Wilbur, Quackity, and Eret band together to save Ranboo's life?? 

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Will Tubbo, Wilbur, Quackity, and Eret band together to save Ranboo's life?? 

Will Bad accept their deal?? Vote for a happy ending!!

As always, thank you so much for all the support! Y'all are lovelyyyyyy. <3333

[Image Credits] "Hot thinking" (Cropped Slightly) by Petras Gagilas (https://www

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[Image Credits] "Hot thinking" (Cropped Slightly) by Petras Gagilas (

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