Part 2

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He got woken up by gentle fingers running through his hair. He opened his eyes drowsily, trying to focus his gaze on the other person.

"Don't mind me, I'm just enjoying the view."

Shirabu groaned, immediately recognizing the voice even in his dazed state, and flopped his head back on the pillow.

"Are you watching me sleep? That's creepy, Eita."

Semi chuckled quietly and held his palm to Shirabu's forehead, realizing the younger boy had a mild fever.

"Then it's good I'm your boyfriend and not some random stranger."

"So Taichi called you anyway," sighed Shirabu, closing his eyes again in defeat.

"Yeah, he stopped us during lunchtime, saying you are sick."


"Me and Hayato. He and Taichi should be here soon, they went to the nurse for some medicine." He started to rub gentle circles into Shirabu's shoulder. "You should have told me you are ill. I could come much earlier."

"I didn't want to worry you," admitted Shirabu, melting into the touch. "It's nothing serious, and you need to focus on studying."

"I can study here too. Besides, you are my boyfriend, I want to take care of you."


There was a soft knock on the door, and soon their libero and middle blocker appeared in the doorway.

"Hey, Shirabu, how are you feeling?" asked Hayato, keeping his voice down from his usual energetic one.

"It's better than in the morning," muttered Shirabu and narrowed his eyes at Taichi. "You are horrible."

Taichi shrugged.

"No need to thank me for caring about you."

Shirabu huffed but didn't protest any further. Hayato set the bag he held on the table, taking out a small box of painkillers and antipyretics and a few thermoboxes with soup.

"Take this," said Hayato as he handed Shirabu two pills.

"You don't have to do all this," protested Shirabu weakly. "I can take care of myself, really."

Semi raised his eyebrow.

"Oh, do you? You wouldn't fall sick in the first place if you took care of yourself."

"Don't fight it," remarked Taichi, grabbing one of the soups. "You know you can't win against them when they are in caring mode."

"I wouldn't have to if you kept your promise and didn't tell them," grumbled Shirabu, hesitantly gulping down the pills.

Semi smacked his arm gently.

"Now, now, be nice. It's better than going to the nurse, isn't it?"

That was true, Shirabu couldn't object against that. The cold, white room was scary. Semi smiled and gave Shirabu a small kiss on the forehead, turning the younger boy into a blushing mess.

"Anything else hurts beside your head?" he asked, moving his fingers over Shirabu's temple in a tender massage.

Shirabu just shook his head, moving slowly to prevent any more pain. Semi nodded and reached for the two remaining soups.

"Good. Now eat up and then sleep, ok? You'll feel better soon."

They all ate their soups, chatting quietly about their day. Shirabu would never say it out loud, but in the end, he was glad Semi was by his side. At least it gave him the opportunity to snuggle to his boyfriend as close as he wanted.

The other couple settled on Taichi's bed reading together, with Hayato wrapped around Taichi, his head on the taller boy's chest.

Shirabu watched them with a small smirk on his lips, thinking about how whipped Taichi became for the libero. As if he was reading his mind, Semi crawled behind him, wrapping his arm firmly around his waist, and pulled him close to his chest, reminding him he too was pretty whipped for the other setter.

"Sleep, Kenji," whispered Semi into Shirabu's ear, "you need it." He paused, tugging a loose strand of hair behind the other boy's ear. "Promise me you won't overwork yourself again like this the next year. Taichi can't keep an eye on you all the time."

Shirabu's throat tightened at the reminder of the third-years' fast approaching graduation.

"I won't," he peeped, squeezing Semi's hand.

"Good. Now sleep, ok? I'll be here if you need me."

Not even five minutes later, both fell into a deep slumber.

Hayato turned his head, smiling widely when he saw the other two sleeping soundly in each other's arms and Shirabu clutching a plush bunny to his chest.

"Aren't they adorable?" he whispered, earning a huffed laugh from his boyfriend.

"Try and say that in front of Shirabu. He'll kill you on spot."

Hayato chuckled and nuzzled his nose into the crook of Taichi's neck.

"Let's go to sleep too," he purred, gently kissing Taichi's jaw.

Taichi rolled his eyes but closed the book and returned the kiss, moving into a more comfortable position and pulling the covers over them.

"We should do this more often," mumbled Hayato through the yawn before settling back with his head on Taichi's chest.

Taichi chuckled and kissed the top of Hayato's head.

"Sleep well, love."

"You too, sweetie."


All right, I hope you enjoyed the story. I've never written a sickfic before and I guess it shows, but I tried. And yes, I will push KawaGata into anything I can, because why not :D I just love them so much.

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