Part 1

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AN: This almost felt like writing a poly-relationship. Not that I have anything against it (the author is just selfish bich who wouldn't want to share her partner), but hey, if you want to see it in this story - welcome and be my guest.

Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy it. Whichever ship you see in this, you are welcome here :)


Waking up with a headache sucks. Shirabu groaned as he rolled over on the bed, his head feeling like there was another one inside of his skull that was trying to push out. He wanted nothing but to stay in the bed the whole day. But he couldn't. Not today.

He had an important test ahead of him. He couldn't miss it.

With all his remaining strength, he got up and headed for the bathroom. He clenched his hands on the sink, feeling the floor under his feet swinging. One look in the mirror showed a disturbing image of his pale skin and dark circles under his eyes. A stern voice in his mind, sounding a lot like his boyfriend's, called him a dumbass for not taking care of himself again and overworking himself. Again.

He washed his face with cold water, hoping to ease the pain throbbing in his temples. He took one last look into the mirror and sighed.

Just this test, and then I'll go to the nurse.

"You look like shit," stated Taichi when Shirabu returned to the room to get dressed.

"Thanks, just what I needed to hear," he muttered, looking for his blazer.

He could feel Taichi raising his eyebrows behind his back.

"All right, spill it, what's wrong?"

Shirabu clenched his teeth. Three people in the whole school couldn't find out that he was sick at any cost. Taichi, Yamagata and Semi. All of who would force him to stay in bed and wouldn't listen to any objections. And even though Shirabu secretly appreciated their care, he couldn't afford that today. And he didn't want to worry them.

"Nothing, I'm fine," he said, trying to sound as healthy as possible and not like his head was going to explode.

Taichi huffed and took the uniform from Shirabu's hands.

"And you expect me to believe that?" he asked, staring Shirabu down with a stern look.

Shirabu suddenly felt small. Taichi was usually really soft-spoken and nice, but he could be really menacing when he wanted, using his almost 190 centimetres to his full advantage.

"But it's true," he tried again, much more uncertainly than before. "I'm fine."

Taichi rolled his eyes, obviously not believing a single word.

"And you want to be a doctor," he scolded, holding Shirabu's uniform out of his reach.

Shirabu jumped to get his clothes, inwardly cursing his friend's long arms.

"Come on, Taichi, I have to take that test. I promise I'll go to the nurse right after."

"No way. You aren't going anywhere. You overworked yourself behind my back again, I'm not letting you damage your health more than that."

Shirabu narrowed his eyes on him.

"You are not my mother. Give me back my clothes. Now!"

He winced, his own raised voice causing another wave of pain to shoot from his head. Taichi gave him an 'I told you so' look, which only made Shirabu more grumpy.

"You can't just stop me from going to lessons."

"I think I very well can. I might even get praised for stopping a potentially contagious person from spreading disease around the school."

"It's just a headache, I swear! And I can go in my spare uniform, you know?"

Taichi raised an eyebrow at him, sending cold shivers down Shirabu's spine.

"Look, you have two options now. Either you voluntarily stay in bed until you get better, or I can call Semi and Hayato."

Shirabu recoiled.

"You wouldn't."

"Watch me."

He snatched away Taichi's phone.

"Fine, I'll stay here, just ... don't tell Semi. He needs to focus on studying, I don't want to worry him."

Taichi smiled lightly, satisfied and took back his phone.

"Good, but if I find out you snuck out on the lesson, I'll not hesitate to call our mother hens."

"Snitch," grumbled Shirabu under his breath, but he knew very well he couldn't win this.

And so he obliged and laid back to his bed, some of the tension leaving his body. The headache got significantly worse, so much he was actually glad when his head hit the pillow. He heard a quiet shuffling as Taichi got ready for school and the soft click of the door being closed.

He sighed and fell into a restless sleep.

No tests until you are better [SemiShira]Where stories live. Discover now