Make It To Me

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"I know you're out there we're meant to be so keep your head up and make it to me." -Sam Smith

I woke up with a gasp. My body was covered in sweat. My body trembled in fear. I've been having that same nightmare for a week now. Sighing, I got and stripped the sheet of the bed. I made my way through my new apartment trying not to trip over boxes. I shoved the sheets into the washing machine.

I'd have to remind myself to buy some laundry detergent tomorrow.

My body ached getting into the shower. I had to move in all by myself. Minus the men who brought in my couch. I'd learned the hard way not to trust any moving companies that were not U Haul.

By the time I got out it was already 5. The sun was starting to peak above the mountains. The colors swirled together. Pink. Purple. Yellow. Light Blue.

I rummaged through the boxes trying to find some cereal. Ugh. It's hopeless. My day is already starting of bad.

I slipped on my jacket as I stepped outside. I'm hating Maryland already. Its so cold. Never mind the fact that it's already spring. I'm so glad my insurance company paid for my snow tires. Talk about lifesaver. 

I pulled up the closest grocery store on Google maps. The female robotic voice filled my car.

"After 100 feet turn left."

"Head north on S Jameson Rd. towards 43rd St."

"Turn right on east Warner Rd. Your destination will be on the right."

"You have arrived at your destination."

I exited the car. Oh my god. The store was literally called Shopper's. How weird. Shaking my head I entered the store. I whipped out my grocery list and walked through the store.

Let's see. I'll get the produce first, dairy next, then I'll check the clearance aisle.

I pushed the cart through the empty store. A woman with the store's logo on her dark green shirt approached me.

"Hi! Welcome to Shoppers. Can I help you with anything?"

"Um. I'm trying to find the dairy section."

"Oh follow me, I'll show you where it is."

So awkward.



Ugh why am I so antisocial.

I fiddled with my hands. So awkward.

When we got to the dairy section I went to say thank you but she was already walking away. I put a case of eggs into my cart. Milk was always a hard decision for me. 2%, 1% or whole. Decisions, decisions. Huffing, I grabbed the cheapest one before crossing milk off the list. 

Next up: Clearance. 

I saw a man crouched down looking at the butter. He had on a dark green shirt with blue jeans.  i wheeled over to him and tapped on his shoulder.

"Excuse me, do yo-"

Holy shit. Gorgeous. This man was an Adonis. He had bright blue eyes. Dark drown hair that swished in his eyes. His lips were perfection. It made me wonder what they would feel like against mine. Their movement snapped me out of the daze.


"Um, I'm looking for um, the um, uh, frickin never mind!"  I turned around and calmly walked away. Ok so maybe I ran away. And left my cart.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2015 ⏰

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