This is Just Great...

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This is my next chapter and yeah...enjoy it and remember to like,follow,or star it. Love your support! Thanks a lot. I Love you guys.


Charlotte P.O.V

"Nice to meet you, I'm Zachary Tharyn." Zach said as he rubbed the back of his curly blonde locks.

"Nice to meet you too..." I trailed off as I saw the gear tattoo on his right bicep.

"Nice tattoo you got there." I said continuing the conversation.

"You know, I could...uh get you a tattoo too. My uncle owns a tattoo parlor not too far from the school. If you're into that kind of thing." Zachary said as he slowly walked to class.

"Bye, I hope I see you again and you won't be a stranger! Nice meeting you." Zach screamed drawing attention to any bystanders in the corridor.

"Bye." I silently said as I waved in his direction.

Suddenly I had gotten this weird feeling in my stomach.

'Am I getting sick or something?' I questioned myself as I headed towards Biology.

"Today class,were guessed it,FROGS!"

"Ummm, I can't participate in today's activity Mr. Schneider." A girl said in a florescent pink dress and perfect manicured nails and a blonde bun with four piercings in each ear spoke up.

"And why is that Brittany?"

"Uh, number one my nails and two,I'm not fully equipped for today." Suddenly the whole class snickered and burst into laughter as she spoke.

"What's so FUNNY! I don't get the joke..." Brittany said as she plopped down onto her seat.

"ALRIGHT,CLASS!" Mr. Schneider bellowed as he pointed his index finger toward the class. "Were going to have partners for this assignment." The whole class groaned at the fact.

That's when he pointed at me.

"Charlotte,am I right?" Mr. Schneider said as he pointed his other finger at Brittany, then another girl, then at a boy. "Yes..." I answered shyly before covering my face with the textbook. "But you can just call me Charlie." I said mumbling through the pages of the textbook.

"I'll pair you up with..." Before Mr. Schneider could finish his random pairing, I took a quick glance at everyone who I could possibly be paired up with.

Jacob Kilnem, a boy with not a single brain cell in his body.
Shauna Breeman, a loudmouth girl who couldn't keep her hands off boys.
Brianah Simons, a girl who couldn't even tell you the answer to 1+1 (which is 2). Out of all the people he could've chosen, he chose...

"Brittany!" When Mr. Schneider said that Brittany almost jumped out of her seat like a lightning bolt shocked her in the ass.

"WHAT!" We both had screamed at the same time. I looked over at her and her arms were crossed like a child who didn't get what they wanted for Christmas.

Mr. Schneider then picked the rest of the partners randomly. "Okay class, find your partners and LET THE CUTTING GAMES BEGIN!" Mr. Schneider said referencing The Hunger Games.

Since Brittany was already next to me, I decides to grab the scissors. "Hey! Watch where you're pointing that thing!" She said snarking my actions.
I looked at her.

"How about you do this crap, the faster you do it the less I have to put up with you and your wannabe princess attitude and the faster you get your stupid A+!" I yelled defiantly as I crossed my arms in disgust.

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