"You don't think I knew that!? But I couldn't-" Touya cut himself off as a tear fell from his eye. 

"I couldn't go back, not... not like this," Touya said as he wiped his face, the makeup smudging to reveal the burns that the Quirk enhances healing couldn't heal. 

Fuyumi gasped, and Natsuo stumbled back as he stared at his older brother with tears in his eyes. His grip on Fuyumi faltered, and Fuyumi took the chance to head over to him, raising a hand towards his cheek. 

Touya flinched, and more tears fell from Fuyumi's eyes as she softly placed her hand on his cheek. The shock of him being there suddenly hit her, and her body began to rack itself with sobs before she threw herself into his arms. 

"I missed you so much," Fuyumi sobbed. 

Natsuo was next, coming in to wrap his arms around both of them. 

As Shoto watched, he wasn't sure what to feel. Though he felt like an outsider to their little group hug, he didn't really feel bad about it because from where he was standing, he wasn't an outsider, not among the Midoriyas. 

But, he couldn't help but feel unimaginable relief upon the realization that Touya was alive. 

Touya... was like him, he knew what it was like to train with their father. 

And he survived, maybe this meant that he would make it out okay too, that the trial would go good, and he could live his life in peace once he became a Midoriya too. 

That he could be the best hero he could be, with Eli right behind all of them in support. 

"Shoto?" someone called. 

Shoto snapped out of his inner monologue, looking at his siblings who'd released each other from their hug and were now looking at him. 

He furrowed his eyebrows, and his hand left Himiko's to touch his face, and there he felt the water on his cheeks. 

"Oh," he mumbled to himself. 

He'd been crying. 

Looking up from his hand, Shoto looked at his siblings with a small smile before taking a couple of steps forward to join their hug. 

Touya couldn't help the small smile that came to his face when Shoto hugged him, and all the hate he'd harbored in his chest towards the boy seemed to release as he wrapped his arms around him. 

And from afar, Eli and the rest of her siblings stood together, Himiko moving over to hold Eli's hand as she leaned her arm against hers. Hitoshi and Katsuki stood behind them silently, as they moved to grab a part of Eli's shirt tightly still kind of shaken from the sudden commotion. 

Granted they were soon to be heroes, and pretty must bask in chaos, it still kind of stressed them out to see people they'd grown close to go through something like that. All in all though, it just enhanced how protective they were of each other.  

Eli sighed warmly, looking over at Shouta, Hizashi, and Keigo who were still shocked by the revelation. As they all made eye contact, Eli shrugged. 

Shouta smirked to himself, as Hizashi stared warmly at the hugging siblings. 

Eli nodded her head at Keigo, and he walked over to them with a confused look on his face. 

She smiled at him, making Keigo's eyes widened as he stared at them all. 

It was at that moment did he realize why Eli was smiling so warmly at him. Why Hitoshi was looking at him smugly, why Izuku and Himiko were matching Eli's smile, and why Katsuki was smirking. 

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