II. a celebration of death

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Lord Death stood welcoming at the front of the stage, his son Kid elegantly poised beside him with his hands crossed behind his back. Members of the academy filtered through the front doors of the function room, dressed in formal attires, with the exception being, of course, Blackstar. Tsubaki pushed him out of Kid's sight, towards the tables filled with a number of different foods and a large range of sparkling sodas. Blackstar's eyes widened, and within an instant he was checking out every portion of food he could possibly grab.

Lord Death cleared his throat, a large number of the gathering turning towards him attentively. Death raised his comically big hands to greet his guests and members of the DWMA.

"Welcome, welcome. Tonight, we celebrate a member of the academy, Soul Eater Evans, becoming a death scythe. Soul, could you please come up here."

Soul and Maka shared a glance, Soul giving her a slight smirk. He climbed up the steps, walking up towards Death with his hand extended. The attendees applauded and whistled as Death shook his hand and uttered a congratulations. 

"Of course," Death continued. "this could not have been done without his meister, Maka Albarn. Please, Maka, come on stage."

A faint smile tugged at Maka's lips; she gracefully joined Soul onstage where she, too, shook Deaths hand, and was met by a loud applause. Spirit, who was in the presence of Stein and Marie, could not help but drawl on about his "little girl growing up so fast", much to Maka's visible annoyance, as she could see him within the crowd. Once things quietened down, Lord Death turned to say, "That is all, thank you."

Kid scrunched his face, eyes wide and eyebrows raised. His hands shook ever so slightly, before he managed to spit out, "That can't be all!"

Kid cleared his throat, searching the crowd for Blackstar. Excellent, he thought. now there's no way my speech will be intercepted. Addressing the crowd, he began to recite a lengthy, 'perfect' speech about weapons and their meisters. The crowd began to groan, and Soul simply rolled his eyes.

"Hi there. I was wondering if I could grab a photo of you two for the DWMA's student magazine?"

Soul averted his gaze to the lady in pink that stood beneath him. He raised an eyebrow.

"Uhh, sure."

Soul wrapped an arm around Maka, both sharing a smile. With a quick flash, the young woman spoke.

"Great, thank you." A couple moments later she handed him a physical copy.

"Huh? That camera prints physical copies?" Soul questioned.

"Yes, it works like a polaroid. Prints both a physical copy and keeps a digital copy. You can have that one."

"Right. Thanks."

Maka gently gave Soul a pat on the back.

"I'm gonna go chat to Tsubaki quickly. I'll see you soon."

Soul nodded as Maka left the stage, still focused on the photo. Kid was only five minutes into what would probably be an eight hour long speech, before Blackstar began to take notice.

"Huhhh?" Blackstar blurted out, crumbs escaping from his mouth. Tsubaki looked visibly sour. Blackstar huffed. Within a split second, he was hanging from the tapestries on stage, chewing with his mouth open, swinging violently from side to side. The colour drew away from Kids face as he watched Blackstar bellow from above.

"It is me, Blackstar! I have surpassed God!"

Kid gripped the sides of his face. "N-not again!" he managed. "Blackstar, get down from there this instant!"

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