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2 Weeks later...

Light Yagami

It was a gloomy day. After getting Ryuzaki's message asking me to meet him, I found him sitting on the steps on the top floor of our headquarters exactly where he said he'd be. I had barely been up here the whole time I've been coming to headquarters, but I was aware that it was one of the few rooms in the whole building without cameras. He appeared to be sulking for a reason that I was unaware of. I sat down next to him wondering what it was that he wanted to discuss.

"Light, I know you're Kira." L spoke suddenly, breaking the silence. Instead of sounding like he was trying to get a rise out of me like usual, he sounded much more serious.

"Ryuzaki don't you have any new accusations to-"

"Don't try to deny it, I have proof. Someone came forward saying that they had unintentionally taken a picture of Raye Pember dying and a suspicious boy was in the doorway just as the train was leaving. You were in the picture facing Raye Pember, smiling. So drop the act Light." L stopped talking to give me a chance to talk. After seconds of mere silence, he spoke again. 

"You really put on a show."

Instantly I switched from feeling penitent to furious. "So did you, pretending to like me as more than a friend and you tried so hard to convince me that you did, but it was all just a ploy, another stupid game of yours to make me careless so I'd slip up. You're as big a liar as I am and considering that you're supposed to be the "good guy" that makes you even worse."

"No Light, just let me explain."

"We both know there's nothing you can say to fix any of this, you can't make it better," I scoffed.

"Then I suppose I can't make it any worse either...Just hear me out."

"Okay, fine," I responded. knowing that after losing the game by getting caught, I had nothing else to lose.

"For the record I don't think I owe you anything let alone an explanation, but I want you to know the truth. I wasn't pretending, I knew I had feelings for you since the second time I saw you, but I had suspensions of you being Kira since the first. The only lie I've told concerning the case was saying my suspensions of you being Kira were at only 5% it's almost always been 96."

"Why would you lie about that?"

"As a detective, I have to be "clueless" not too much but just enough to fly under the radar, if I let everyone know that I was almost completely certain that you were Kira without any proof not many would've taken me seriously." Neither of us made a sound for the next twenty seconds. I assumed we were both processing everything.

"I don't think I can pretend anymore."

"What? That you're not Kira?" I shook my head.

"That everything's...okay. When was the last time that I did something that didn't end in someone getting hurt? When was the last time th-that everything was okay? After all I've done things are just never going to be the same and I know I've been trying to ignore that, but it's the truth." 

Tears were running down my face. My heart ached with pain and uncertainty; I didn't know what to do anymore. My mind flooded with more worries, they all had questions, but none were answered.

"To me, it seems like it'll all work out," L stated plainly over my sniffles.

"I'm so sorry, Ryuzaki." I knew it wouldn't fix anything and I knew it wasn't enough, but it was all I could respond with.

The tears in my eyes made everything blurry, my throat burning made it hard to talk, and I couldn't remember the last time I'd been in such a vulnerable state in front of anyone, but I still tried to swallow my worries and speak as if I was sure about the decision I was about to make.

"I'm going to turn myself in."

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