Sweetneed into a peek

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The cosiness from him was precise, his body embellished in a red flannel with black stripes. His brown-dark locks were hidden under his black beanie. But it was very evident he didn't even need any of those to keep him warm.

"I really didn't know. Was born with them." He simply replied in a monotone.

I nod after the last sentence left his lips, my eyes picking the fine shinning colour of the golden rings.

"Do you celebrate Christmas?" I suddenly ask, bored of the silence that flooded around us. I see his head raise a bit, my guts dropping afraid of his reply.


I look up in an instant, my hands dropping his fingers down on his lap. I know my reaction wasn't expected but neither was his answers. He didn't look like one to celebrate such a holiday

"Really?" I say, my lips unexpectedly titling in a small smile that I couldn't just stop myself from doing.

"Yes." He says bluntly, his eyes furrowing a bit, looking deep into my eyes for too long.

I guess my reaction got the best of me when I lean forward, throwing my arms around his neck and giving him a small peck at the corner of his lips.

I slope back, my face warm in embarrassment from what I just did. I see him chuckle a bit, taking me by surprise as he leaned forward. But what he did wasn't what I expected because my lips were swiftly connected with his warms ones unpredictably.

I feel my breath being snatched, my eyes swelling. I hear the deep moans erupt from the depth of his throat. His hands snake around my throat, tilting my head a bit and a little closer to deepen the kiss. I didn't know what to do as I just sat on his lap, his one hand on my waist holding me steady.

I yelp in surprise when I suddenly feel the harsh grasp on my butt, my eyes opening wider to meet with his red ones that were close to mine. The kiss was hot, sending shock down my spine and goosebumps on my hands and neck.

The kiss was rushed and needy, a little something in it I didn't understand. I fee his tongue swap on my lower lips, licking it open. I open my mouth, my body hot and dipped into every nerve. Surprising both myself and him, I drag my hands to his hair and removes his beanie. I dig my hands into his roots, tugging them. I hear his rough moan followed by a groan. His hands find themselves up to my flannel, my skin burning from his fingers. I was out of breath at this point but I didn't want to stop. I wanted his lips on mine over and over again.

He parts my lips open, his tongue descending into my mouth. My lips were moist, my throat was dry from the air.

"Synn..." I moan out indirectly telling him I needed air. He groans a smile lighted up at my actions. He forcefully leans back, licking his lips after.

"Fuck! Why'd we stopped?" He asked seeming a little annoyed about it.

"I-I needed to catch my breath," I answered a little disappointed he was acting cold.

He angrily fixes back his beanie that was earlier removed, the cold a little mustered for him.

"You're done breathing, aren't you? So let's continue." He fires back tilting my head and connecting back his lips to mine. I quiver, my body turning back to its jittery self. This time, the kiss was sloppy with hot need and rushed. He moans unto my lips, his hands going back to the inside of my flannel but I lean back almost immediately, my eyes shuttering opened.

"W-we need to stop for now." I breathe out feeling my lungs relax with the air that was suddenly returned back.

The red-eyed scoffs and instantly removes his hands from the flannel, his foot tapping the wooden tiles beneath our legs.

"So I now need permission to kiss you now when you're already mine?" He asks with a little anger and annoyance, looking at me with a strong glare.

I wasn't happy with his reactions but I expected him to relax and try and understand me from my point of view here. He was the devil who could kiss you without even breathing a single air and I was human, needing every single air to survive. But his outburst didn't help.

"Y-yes," I reply. From what I understood, consent was always the first thing to be asked when being intimate. I learnt that from Abriana and Anna who was joking about it one day or so.

His eyes remain on me, going back and forth like he was trying to read me. The look on his face could kill and I felt myself almost flinch by it.

But when he opened his mouth to talk, his words plunged me deep in the heart.

"The only time I need consent is only when I want to fuck you."

🤧🤧🤐 Enjoy!

The Devil's BrideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora