Generator 170

27 2 6

Which One Of My Current Classes Would You Be Most Interested In Taking? (these are the official course titles, but 'll put a brief description next to each class. also, i'm doing a flower theme with the names)

Basic Astronomy (science class, pretty easy. can do the work virtually whenever): Primrose
Elementary Statistical Concepts (a very easy math class. basically just looking at data and interpreting it. very little actual math involved here): Violet
Health & Fitness For Life (gym class/physical education. very confusing): Daisy
Human Geography (a lot of looking at maps and talking about culture/population): Lily
Investigating Ideas - Reading, Writing, and the Disciplines (an english class, more geared towards professional writing. which i am not used to.): Poppy
Literature - Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama (an english class. very fun, quite a bit of reading but class discussions are really interesting): Lilac

Which One Of My Favorite Drarry (Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter) Fics Would You Be Most Interested Based Off The Title? (you don't have to like drarry, harry potter, or know anything about these fics. just pick the tile that is most interesting to you)

Secrets: heart
Turn: tail
On The Precipice: foot
Lily's Boy: fur
Way Down We Go: whisper
Tea and No Sympathy: breeze
Seven Steps: patch
Hermione Granger's Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run: petal

I got Lilac/Primrosepetal/heart! What did you get?

hey y'all! i hope you're doing well. gonna try to keep this pretty short, but we'll see. i know it's been a hot minute since i've updated, but college has been pretty good so far. i've gotten my 1st 2 "big assignments" (an essay and a presentation) and have an exam tomorrow. i've been going home every weekend too, to see my cats (and i guess also my family). but in more important/scary news: my dad is currently in the hospital and hooked up to a breathing tube. i don't currently know what exactly is going on as i am still at college, but may be going home sometime tonight or tomorrow. i'm not sure yet. so idk what's going on there, but if you would like more updates as i find out more of what's going on just let me know. and i can private message you as i get more information. so this might affect my updating schedule in the future (but lord knows i didn't have one to begin with). alright. i love you, stay safe, and have fun! happy reading!

- zebra/latte

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