Generator 157

34 3 9

What Would You Say Your Work/Study Habits Are At Your School and/or Job?

I'm always getting stuff done super early: Sandy

I get everything done on time: Oak
I get most things done on time, some are a bit late though: Swift

About half get done on time, half are late: Misty
Most are done late, but some are actually on time: Furze
Literally everything is late: Smoke

School/work? What's that? Don't know her: Hare
I don't go to school/have a job: Cherry
Other (comment?): Night

What Is Your Current Work/School Situation?

100% at home: leg
Mostly at home, some actually in school/work though: whisper
Half at home, half in school/work: fire
Mostly in, but some at home: tail
100% in: blossom
Other (comment?): spot

I got Mistyfire/tail! What did you get?

hey y'all! i hope you're doing well! it is now time for your weekly update on my life (i know you all love these *sarcasm intensifies*) okay, first things first: i will going back to mostly in person learning for school on March 18th. we will be going into school monday-thursday while fridays will be at home. so that's fun i guess. also, i am currently signing up for housing at the university i'm attending this upcoming fall. which also means i'm in search of a roommate. so wish me luck there i guess. finally, i will likely not be posting a generator next week. for one: it is the start of my spring break and the end of this round of classes so i want to take a bit of a break to just chill. and for two: this friday my family and i will finally be leaving for missouri to deal with my great grandpa's house (like 3 months after he died). my grandparents have been having some health issues recently (nothing too serious) so that's why it took so long to finally get down there. so from friday afternoon to monday evening i will be inactive. alright. i love you all, stay safe, and have fun! happy reading!

- zebra/latte

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