Chapter 2

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When was the last time the brothers hugged each other?

In the Celestial Realm, the day before Lucifer rebelled against Father. Lilith’s punishment had been announced, and she was to be imprisoned in the dungeon until she was executed. Lucifer had sneaked in along with his brothers and quietly released her.

“ No harm will come to you as long as we are here.”

The brothers had promised while hugging her tightly, and for a moment it was forgotten that there was a war to be fought.

That was perhaps the last time they had hugged each other, and now Lilith’s gone and Satan has come.

Shallow breaths on his torso remind Beel that Mammon’s asleep, and pull him out of his train of thoughts.

“ He’s asleep.” He whispers, gently stroking his brother’s white hair that never seems to tangle, no matter how much you try, bouncing back in its place and a ghost of a smile finds its way on Beel’s lips.

But it fades away as soon as it came when he’s reminded exactly how Mammon ended up on his lap. He passed out from exhaustion after crying, and his stomach sinks when he remembers how Mammon snarled at him when he tried to hug him, to offer him whatever comfort he could after his brother said those words that shook everyone to their core.

A tear slips down Beel’s cheek, and a thumb comes to wipe it away, and when he looks up, he sees Belphegor gazing at him with sadness.

“ Beel, can you carry him to his room?” Satan gets up from his spot beside Mammon where he was previously rubbing soothing circles on his back, and his eyes look everywhere but in his brothers eyes.

Beel nods in response as he carefully manoeuvres Mammon’s body so that he can gently pick him up and carry him to his room, as he did many times with Belphegor. But when he turns around Leviathan squeaks out a noise of protest.

“ Wait!” He mutters, stretching out a hand to stop Beel, and the rest of the brothers stare at him with questioning glances.

“ His room isn’t clean - I mean-” Leviathan hesitates as he stares at the ground with nervousness and his hand comes to fiddle with his headphones, an action that was comforting for him.

“ I trashed his room while looking for my figurine.”

He sheepishly confesses as he inspects the marble floor, as it’s proof of how well he treats Mammon.

Satan sighs. His room is a mess of books and Mammon’s a mess, Levi sleeps in a bathtub, Beel and Belphegor don’t have beds large enough, and Lucifer-

Lucifer. He’s been standing there, like a fool, and hadn’t even come forward to hug Mammon. His emotions were always hard to read, and Satan would have complimented his brother sarcastically on his behaviour given the current…situation.

But glaring into his eyes doesn’t work, and Satan can feel his temper tipping over. It is infuriating, how Mammon is suffering and how Lucifer is refusing to accept that he’s a part of the problem too.

“ Mammon can sleep in my room.” It’s a muttered offer from Asmodeus, who has stood aside to give Beel enough space to move Mammon gently, and he looks around nervously until his eyes come to rest on the floor.

Beel doesn’t have to be told twice as he’s already headed towards the fifth born’s room, and Satan waits until he hears the sound of Beel’s footsteps fading away until they’re gone, and then turns around to face his brothers.

“ We’ve messed up big time.” Before Satan can say anything, Belphegor beats him to it, standing straight for a change, and fiddles with his pillow as he speaks.

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