Chapter 1

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(If you want to suffer more listen to “Eternal” from obey me

Nightmares were the worst for Mammon.

More than his horror movies, more than his brothers insults and the word ‘debt’, the worst experience for Mammon were nightmares.

He woke up panicking, clutching at the sheets, eyes darting back and forth - looking for any intruder in the shadows that seemed to come alive and dance in corners.

And after convincing himself it was a nightmare, Mammon would try to lull himself back to sleep, only to stay awake, for sleep would come in fitfuls.

This time, it was bad.

He dreamt that all his brothers were ganging up on him, like they always used to- to throw insults and belittle him- call him names, which Mammon bore, even if he cried secretly remembering them.

But then they said something that made Mammon stare at their faces in shock.

“ It would have been better if you had died instead of Lilith.”

Mammon panicked as he opened his eyes, and his hands grabbed any part of him that he could touch- to convince himself it was a dream, and that his hands weren’t stained with blood like they were in the dream.

Dream, it was a dream.

But Lucifer’s insults don’t seem like a dream, they’re akin what he was shouting in his head.

“ - Next time I’m not going to let you in the house, and your credit card is under my custody. Good grief Mammon, are you even listening?!”

A hard slap on the back of his head makes him recoil and clutch the tender spot in pain.

Mammon wanted some comfort after his nightmare, just a few words and he’d be happy. Perhaps, like how he comforted the twins after they fell, and cuddled a baby Satan to sleep, despite the child’s clawing at his arms.

Mammon wanted some comfort. Even if they were in the form of insults.

That was all his drunk mind could think of, and the world was swirling as he tried to focus at the eldest, who was staring at him with dissapointment.

Lucifer clicked his tongue as he stared at Mammon’s form, and it must have been a pathetic sight, for Lucifer and his brothers, at least.

“ Coming home late, being drunk, and stealing a vase from the music room. These are just some of the atrocities you have committed in the span of eight hours.” Satan remarked as he looked down at Mammon, gazing at him with distaste, but this wasn’t the first time it was happening.

Mammon tried to take deep breaths to calm himself down, and slowly removing his hands from his head he stood up, not daring to look into the eyes of any of his brothers, who must have been looking at him like he was scum.

But he was, wasn’t he?

He could hear Levi call him scummy as he questioned him about a figurine that went missing.

“ You must have come into my room to steal and sell it, like the scum you are, Mammon!”

He never stole it, hell, he wasn’t even near Levi’s room that night, Mammon was alone in his room, crying himself to sleep.

“ You look like filth. Oh wait, you already are, Mammon.” Asmodeus laughed at his own statement as he high-fived Satan, and he could hear their laughter ringing in his ears.

Everyone was here, and he was being humiliated, being reminded of his sin, Greed.

“ Lord Diavolo is perhaps the only one that cares about you.” Lucifer remarked as he surveyed the broken pieces of the vase, which were shattered into pieces, and perhaps won’t even be repaired with magic.

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