“ I think it’s all an act.”

Belphegor quipped while be clutched his cow-pillow, and Mammon could feel six pairs of eyes staring at him. And for a brief moment, he too wondered if what the youngest was saying was true.

After all, he was scum.

“ Lord Diavolo has an image to uphold, to be approachable to all his subjects. It’s an act, and no one likes you, Mammon.”

His name was coated in venom, and Mammon winced as he trained his eyes to stare at the marble floor, and he could see his own pathetic refection staring back at him.

Beel said nothing, but his silence confirmed that he agreed with his brothers.

“ Honestly, Mammon, can’t you keep a hold of yourself?”

Lucifer was in front of him, and Mammon could see on the polished floor that his brother was staring at him, but Mammon’s eyes refused to meet his own.

“ I regret giving you permission to go out. If you’re only going to go and get drunk, and come home late, and steal, it’s better if I-”

“ I know you regret a lot of things.”

Mammon looked into the eldest’s eyes for the first time since he stepped inside the house, drunk, scared and hurting.

And his gaze is such that Lucifer feels it’s stripping his soul bare, peering into every secret, every nook and corner he’s so desperately tried to keep hidden.

Mammon’s not wrong though.

“ What do you mean? Do not go beating around the bush.” The hallway has turned silent, the laughter has subsided and the brothers are all staring at the scene in front of them, because something like this never happened before.

“ Ya regret taking me under your tuetalage in the Celestial Realm, when Michael wasn’t able to take care of me, ya regret letting me in the house after I came back from clubbing, and y-ya regret me-”

Mammon’s eyes have started spilling tears, but he doesn’t blink them away, choosing to instead stare at the eldest and his brothers, who are tongue-tied.

“ You regret the fact that Lilith- Lilith died and I l-lived, don’t ya all ?”

It’s a question that has all the brothers gape at him in horror. They can feel something sink in the pit of their stomach, because Mammon is now crying as he stares at them all, silent, even when his shoulders are shaking

“ Mammon, that’s not true-” Asmodeus tries to gently approach Mammon and offer him some comfort, but Mammon doesn’t let him, instead choosing to step backwards.

“ It is! Shut up and say it for once! Let me hear it from your own mouths! ”

Beelzebub is barely able to hold back tears as he tries to hug Mammon, something the second-eldest did when he had nightmares, but Mammon doesn’t let him, instead snarling at him while tears stream down his cheeks.

“ Every day.” Mammon stares at his bewildered brothers, some who are staring at him with shock, and some who are giving him pitying looks.

“ Every. Damn. Day. I keep listening to the words that I’m scum.”

Belphegor and Satan stare at him.

“ Stupid.”

Leviathan stares at the ground.

“ Moron.”

Asmodeus fiddles with the scarf around his neck and Beel looks guilty.

And finally, Mammon’s gaze turns to the eldest, who is staring at him wide-eyed, mouth open but no words coming out, and the final blow is delivered.

“ Idiot.”

Mammon doesn’t realize he’s slowly backed into a corner, or that his knees feel too weak to support him.

He doesn’t even realize he’s crying until his voice comes out in choked sobs.

“ So, please just kill me already! Stop torturing me ! Just, please, please -leave me alone.”

The demon is curled up in a fetal position as his hands claw at his own hair, and he sobs. Loudly.

Mammon cries like he’s never cried before, because the silence of his brothers is enough to convince his mind, make up the fact that his brothers truly hate him.

He hides his face in his hands as he whimpers, his throat is dry from screaming and his heart is beating loudly.

Mammon barely registers the warmth of a body- or bodies against his own, as he cries, and a hand comes to rub soothing circles on his back.

Mammon breaksWhere stories live. Discover now