The weekend part 1/3

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The worst thing to walk home to....was being robbed. The house was a mess and everything was either missing, broken, or thrown around. Nothing was normal anymore. Shinsou was the only one home for now because dad had to stay at school late."WHAT THE HELL!!???" I screamed as I was confused and raging. This never happened in our neighborhood before so who did it? "YOU THERE?" shinsou yelled from his room hoping it was you and your boyfriend but he didn't know it was your boyfriend. "YEAH WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!?" you said back. Shinsou started opening his door and you backed up just in case. Denki still behind you started to squeeze your hand tighter. "I have an uneasy feeling.." he said in a whisper "me too" I responded almost shocked that he spoke. Shinsou came running down the stairs. Then we heard a bang from dads room and immediately called the cops while shinsou called dad. We soon heard another bang and I slipped again. I got out of hand and went little. I started crying uncontrollably I couldn't stop. "Dada" I cried hoping to see dada but then Den den picked me up. I was still crying. "Hey baby bolt" Denki said in a whisper so they didn't know where we were. Even though they probably already knew. "It's going to be okay your safe with dada okay?" His voice instantly made you stop crying. "Otay" I said back in response . As we waited for our dad to arrive the cops asked us questions. "Hey um can you answer this please?" The cops kept trying to get me to answer but I couldn't. "Hmhm" I wouldn't budge. So they had Denki tell them instead. A few moments later dad came home and seen the cop cars after he went inside to search the house because the guy was still in there. "SHIT" he yelled from inside. As a man came running out shinsou ran after him. "Stay here for me little one, can you do that?" Denki asked me. "Mhm" I said trying to be a big kid, but it wasn't working. Denki ran after the guy with shinsou and finally caught him. He took pictures of our house number and robbed it the day before the weekend. Which sucked too because you just wanted to finish homework and be done for the day. Slipping into a younger age now I started crying. It was younger than I would've thought. I was one. Usually I don't go to one I stay at two or older. "BABY BOLT!" Den den yelled to me "WE DID IT!" " WE CAUGHT THE BADDYl" he said it in a way I understood because well I was in little. "YAAAAY" I cheered as he picked me up.

~~~~~a few hours later~~~~~

Well they got the robber and after a few hours I'm finally out of little. As Denki took care of me I was so grateful. Tomorrow we go to the beach so me and den den are on our way to the mall. We both didn't have our license so we asked dad to take us there and he agreed. "Daaaad" "are we almost there" I was a really impatient person so i whined almost the whole trip. "Yes" he said annoyed now. Denki put his hand on my thigh, I started blushing like crazy I almost passed out. He was moving his thumb in circles on my thigh while we sat in the back of the car. Clearly he was unaware of this. I was wearing his hoodie and I put my hand in his sleeve and hid my face. He looked at me and at his hand. He then pulled it away embarrassed. But I grabbed his hand and put it back on my thigh. He started moving his hand but downwards to my knee. Then he took my legs and put them on his. "We are here" das said so I took my legs off of Denki's and he took his hand off the thigh he was holding. I tried to stop blushing but I couldn't so I hid it in with the big sleeve. "Thanks dad" I whispered under the sleeve as I got out of the car. "Yeah thanks sensei" Denki said while he was also getting out. "No problem have fun, and keep them safe Denki" my dad was never this stern but maybe it's because he was a guy with me? I don't know but Mina, kirishima, ururaka, and bakugou we're meeting up with us soon so we walked around the mall holding hands and going in shops. Finally we got bored of waiting and went to the food court. "What would you like babe?" It shocked me that Denki called me babe. I stood there with an unknowing reaction. "U- um" I started stuttering because he got me flustered. "You okay?" He said a bit conserved but with a giggle because he knew I was shy as hell. " I want onigiri" I said as I looked through the menu " OOoo and dumplings too baby!!" I said very exited now. "Um I'll have the same thing" Denki said to the cash register lady and she came around with one plate filled to the brim with onigiri and then a bowl with soup and dumplings. "These are soooo gooooood" I started saying with a full mouth. "Tell me about it" Denki was saying as he was also stuffing his mouth. As we were finishing kiri, Mina, Kat, and ururaka walked in the mall. We seen them and they weren't late it was only 9:00 we came early so it was cool. Me and den den started walking out to meet with them. "Hey guys!" Mina shouted as we were walking over. We didn't know we were holding hands still and Mina and ururaka were squealing like crazy. "YOU GUYS ARE TOGETHER?" "HOW LONG!?" "WHEN?!?" They both were shouting back and forth and I was hugging Denki by his side and he could tell I was a little startled by it so he put his hand around my waist. "AHHH SO CUTE" they kept shouting. Then bakugou and kiri caught up and told them to shut up. "Thank you" I cried to Kats and he said it wasn't anything. "Hey aren't we supposed to get swimsuits?" Mina said as we were walking to the escalator. "That's where we are going babes" I said smelly to where they could hear me still. "Right" ururaka said giggling. Mina looked at Denki and started giggling and pointed to Denki showing ururaka. "What?" I said very clue less. "Just look hun" Mina was the mom of the Baku squad so she would call people baby, hun, sweetheart, babes, etc. but finally looking at Denki, his face was red. I'm not talking about a little bit of red it was so deep red in color. "I-" I started saying but stopped myself as we got to the top of the escalator. Me and Denki were holding hands but Mina pulled us away from each other. "LETS GO KIDDOS" she yelled as we were going to the swim wear. Denki and kiri also bakugou were being weird so I went with it, they were walking our way anyways. We were looking and finally after 30 min I seen the perfect one... it was a Denki like one but it was one with black on the bottom and yellow for the whole thing. You thought they might have tried to impersonate bumble bot or something.

(Kinda the swim suit) but back to the story

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(Kinda the swim suit) but back to the story

~~~~~~back in the book~~~~~~

You loved it and it matched Denki's half black and half yellow swim trunks so you got it. You didn't even try it on because it was your size. But you also bought another one the same but it covered more it had a cloak type thing and a skirt instead. The second one you used the skirt and cloak for the one you really loved. Finally Mina bought hers and so did ururaka. Finally your dad came when you guys were in the food court. And just mainly talking to the group. Even though ururaka wasn't in the Baku squad everyone was kind to her. Now it was just the night waiting for tomorrow to go swimming. Your dad went in and got you and Denki. Now we just have to wait for the morning. You were telling yourself. "Did you both have fun?" Das asked just wanting to make conversation. "Yeah it was great and I have a great swim suit too dad!" I was so exited for tomorrow I couldn't wait. "LOVE YOU!!" I yelled to dad as I ran upstairs to take a shower. I only took a few minutes so Denki didn't have to wait and we got in my bed talking. Also we cuddled a bit. Tomorrow we have to study with each other before he has to go home. Now I was exited for tomorrow but dreading it also. Now I was drifting off to sleep as Denki was playing with my hair and I was playing with his. Damn... I fell for this kid hard huh?

~~~~~~~beach day next chapter~~~~~~

Sorry if anything is wrong I had to publish this today like I promised so here you go babes!!

Love you see you soon hope you liked this chapter <3

NB little (y/n) x Denki kaminari Where stories live. Discover now