Ever since then, she had become a lot more moody and would space out during conversations. And he couldn't help but ponder on what could be the reason to it.

Even at that moment, he could see that she wasn't really eating lunch instead she was forking at her food, eyes glazed over in a thoughtful expression.

"Lavina, you haven't eaten anything," Bruce spoke up and it seemed to have shaken her from her thoughts.

"Ah my apologies," a smile tugged up on her face, "I thought I might have finished it."

"Is everything alright?" He asked cautiously, since he knew very well that she could take any question as a jab and would respond unpredictably to it.

"Of course," her smile widened, "I really love Alfred's cooking. This is heavenly. Do send my regards to him."

There were times when she would be impeccably formal towards him and it made him wonder more on who was the man at the masquerade with whom she had been conversing rather contrary to her formal tone.

Almost like a friend as if the two had known each other for years.

He had never gotten to ask Barbara more about him and refrained to do so either since he didn't want to make a sharp girl as her suspect more behind his curiosity.

After lunch, she had immediately wanted to see the progress reports on the projects their companies were collaborating on. At times, Bruce couldn't help but feel as if living with her would be subjecting oneself to a lifetime contract of professionalism.

But that didn't dissuade him from the decision he had taken.

There was no one else he would rather spend his life with and there were very rare times when she had told him the same.

She wasn't very expressive when it came to her feelings or emotions but rarely she would let him know exactly how much she valued him.and that would put him at ease.

"Bruce, you worry too much about me," she remarked when she had inspected all the reports and looked up to see him gazing back with concern in his blue eyes. "I'm not saying that I do not appreciate it but please, don't burden yourself too much."

"I feel like you're burdening yourself a lot too."

"Ah... But that's different," she shook her head slightly, eyes looking at him with a tender expression, "I got into a disagreement with a friend and I guess that has been affecting me a bit... We were really close but now things have gotten sour."

"And you wish for things to go back to how they were?"

"Ideally, yes," she nodded, a thoughtful expression crossing her face, "tell me, what would you do if someone who you valued a lot and had cared for since years put themselves in danger over and over again?"

"I would try to stop them, probably even try to keep them away from that danger myself."

Her eyes darkened, "but what if that person doesn't believe you and thinks you're the one who's going to put them in danger?"

Bruce was not a fan of talking indirectly so he asked, "what's going on, Lavina?"

She retrieved her gaze and it was a clear indicator that she didn't want to talk about the matter openly. "Say, there are only two people who are this close to me. One is you because I value you as a partner, both in business and in life. The other is someone who I have kept looking out for so that he wouldn't risk his own life as often as he used to. But I'm afraid that's exactly what he's going to end up doing and it troubles me."

"Are you referring to the man Barbara had brought to the masquerade?"

She stiffened but then nodded, "yes."

"Who is he?"

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you more," her eyes flickered apologetically, "he used to be a very good friend of mine. But now things have gotten strained between us."

He didn't press further and nodded, "alright. But I think you shouldn't worry so much about him. If he has friends like Barbara Gordon, he's going to be perfectly alright."

"I hope so..." She seemed to have spaced out of the conversation until she felt her hand being taken into a firm grip.

She turned to see Bruce and despite all the worries clouding in her head, a smile flickered on her face as he kissed her.

"Thank you," she mumbled when he pulled apart, "I'm glad I have you by my side."

"I'll always be with you," he smiled softly at her, "and that's a promise."

Lavina knew those words were genuine, she could clearly see it in those pale blue eyes.

"Would you perhaps come to my place tomorrow evening?" She offered, "I have been overworking myself and I think I need a break."

"Certainly," he agreed as he accompanied her to the door, "take care, Lavina."

"You too, Bruce," she smiled, leaning in to kiss his cheek but then chuckled at seeing the faint pink dust over his skin, "at times, you're really cute."

She was definitely the only woman who could have such a magnetizing effect on him and that was saying a lot since he had had the opportunity to be with countless women yet no one had ever come close to the place Lavina Vikander held in his heart.


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