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"Rebecca would you hurry up already? I know Alex is probably steaming by now." Diana whined.

We were in my room getting ready for school. Actually I was getting ready for school. Diana and Alex were waiting for me as usual. Alex is my boyfriend who is really impatient and sweet. Diana is one of my best friends who seems to be impatient as well.

"Its not that late. You guys just got here. Fine! Let's go!" I huffed.

We walked down- No we ran down the stairs to meet a....calm Alex. That's a first. I looked across from him and saw dad. That explains it.

"Hey dad. Shall we go Alex?"

"No. I have an idea. Why don't we relax first..Of course let's go." He said sarcastically. My dad cleared his throat.

"Umm...let's go Becca." He repeated more calmly. Diana laughed.

It took us about 30 minutes before we arrived. As soon as Alex parked the car, Diana practically- No wait. Literally jumped out of the car to hug Jason who was waiting at a far distance for us as usual. Alex and I walked towards him with my hand in his. Jason is my best friend who turns out to be an angel at times.

"Hey Jase! " I ran and gave him a hug. Alex rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath.

"What's up play boy?" Jason greeted Alex. Alex just glared at him.

"Don't call me that asshole." He growled through gritted teeth.

"Alex, not today." I warned him. He just rolled his eyes and focused on someone behind Jason which turned out to be Adam, his cousin/ best friend. Adam made his way towards us with his signature smirk on his face. Typical Adam.

"Hello ladies and dudes." He greeted wiggling his eyebrows. Suddenly Alex cheered up.

"What's up?" He replied playfully slapping Adam on the back.

"The sky. You know me, let's go check some girls out." Adam said.

"Dude, I already have a girlfriend." Alex laughed.

"Oh yeah. Rebecca! How are you?" Adam said opening his arms expecting a hug from me. I hugged him then turned to Alex.

"You could go hang out with your cousin. But I don't want to catch you with another girl." I said with a serious face. Alex smirked at me.

"You are the apple of my eye." He kissed me on my lips then went along with Adam. Jason was staring at him in disgust. I just wished I had the slightest idea as to why they hate each other so much.

"I don't like Adam." Diana blurted out. She is so random at times.

" Why?" I asked curiously.

"He's a jerk. He sleeps with anything that is available. Like, he is a douche." I laughed at her. "That's just Adam."

"Right. So you want to go out with me Saturday?" Jason asked looking directly into my green eyes. I had to admit though, Jason is very attractive. He had thick black hair with those ocean blue eyes. His six pack was mouth watering and he had the most sexiest smile in mankind. But that was for the other girls to take advantage of, not me. Jason was just my best friend. Nothing more.

"Do you want to come Dy?" I asked Diana hoping that Jason wasn't asking me on a date or something.

"Actually I meant you and I." Jason cut in before Diana had a chance to even speak. Diana's face fell. Doesn't Jason know that I have a boyfriend for goodness sake! Even though I knew what he was asking me to do was wrong, I couldn't stand to see the disappointed look on his face.

"I'll think about it Jase." I said hesitantly. Alex would probably have a fit if he found out. He smiled then turned his attention to Diana. "So, Diana do you tutor?" He asked totally oblivious to the fact that Diana was really jealous and angry. She was trying to hide it and she did a pretty good job. But, I am her best friend and I can see right through her fake smile.

"Yeah, I do." She replied finding suddenly interested in her nails.

"Brilliant! Math?" he asked totally interested in what she had to say next.

"Absolutely." she replied dryly. She looked as if she wanted to explode.

"Diana why don't we go shopping after school?" I asked quickly changing the topic before everything got out of control. Her eyes lit up.

"Sure!" She replied happily. I smiled I knew she couldn't resist the word shopping. The bell rang just as Diana was about to say something else. PERFECT TIMING. The last thing I wanted was for Diana to start ranting about clothes, shoes and accessories. It would never end.

______________________Author's note________________________

So what do you guys think about the first chapter?

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