"Karen, what does Peter think about me?" I asked nervously. The AI was about to respond but then I heard the door unlock. 'SHIT PETER HAS THE KEY' I thought to myself. Before I could take off the mask, someone already took it off.

"Why hello there, darling." Peter said. I gulped and nervously smiled.

"It's not what it looks like. I was just having a conversation with Karen." I said smiling awkwardly. He just chuckled and shook his head.

"Here I brought you your homework." He said taking papers out of his backpack.

"There's homework? Are you kidding me right now?!" I groaned and sighed. I fell face first on his bed.

"I hate school." I mumbled. He laughed and grabbed my wrist pulling me up. Maybe, he pulled it too hard because our faces we're inches away from each other.

"Uh I got to go. You know homework." I chuckled nervously. He stared deeply in my eyes but shook out of his thoughts.

"Yeah sure, uh homework. Maybe we could do it together? We could go to the study area." He suggested. I nodded and we both backed away.

"Race you." I smirked and sprinted to the door.

"Hey that's not fair!" He laughed and ran out the door as well.


"Hey guys, we have a mission. Suit up." Steve said and left. Me and Peter looked at each other before running to our rooms to suit up.

We walked outside and saw a private jet waiting for us.

"Holy shit." Me and Peter whispered, but we didn't hear each other. We entered the jet and it flew off.

"Okay team, there are some Hydra people at the middle of the city and all we have to do is-

"Fight them." I finished my dad's sentence. He sent me a smile and nodded. We finally landed on top of a building and stepped out.

"Ready?" Wanda asked.

"Born ready." I smirked looking straight forward with confidence. I could feel someone staring at me but I ignored it.

"Great confidence Lady Y/N." Thor said. We smiled and waited.

"Alright, go!" Steve said. We all ran and went down to the street area. We looked around, all of us was surrounded together in a circle.

"Why hello there." Someone said beside me. I knew that voice. All Hydra's we're quite similar, so I wasted no time in punching him right in the face. I heard a groan and saw someone in a red and black suit.

"Who the fuck are you?" I hissed. The rest of the Avengers we're already fighting but here I was, talking to a guy in a red and black suit.

"You can call me Deadpool." He shrugged still rubbing his nose from under the mask. I sighed and helped him get up.

"What do you want?" I asked softly. He looked at me through his mask and sighed.

"I just wanted to get my Taco but then some ship and people with guns came so I just wanted to check out what it was." He said. I slapped him on the cheek playfully.

"What the hell was that for?" He said rubbing his cheek.

"For distracting me when I'm suppose to fight. Anyways nice to meet you Deadpool, go get your Taco." I said smiling a little. He gave me a thumbs up and went away. I sighed and begin fighting people. I heard a loud BANG and I saw Natasha on the floor bleeding. My eyes widened and I went towards her.

"Oh god Nat are you ok-

Before I could finish my sentence, my hand went up and I caught someone's wrist. I looked up angrily and twisted his hand.

"You bitch!" I said and kicked him right in the face. He groaned and looked at me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He said. I recognized him. He was one of my best friends from school. I sighed and put one foot on his chest pushing him down.

"The worst pain in the world goes beyond the physical even further beyond any other emotional pain one can feel. It is betrayal of a friend." I whispered.

"It's funny how sometimes the people you'd take a bullet for, are the ones behind the trigger." I smiled weakly at him. He gave me a guilty look and before he could do anything, he went unconscious. I looked up to see Peter coming towards me.

"Are you okay?" He said webbing someone in the face. I nodded at him.

"We did it!" Thor said. I smiled at Peter and hugged him. He hugged me back and we stayed like that for a minute.

------- ...

"Dear Peter Parker, are you google because you have everything I've been searching for."


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