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"Call them! I don't give a damn!"

"Fabian!" my mother's high pitched voice shrieked through the intercom.

"Either open the gate or come out!" I hissed.

"Fine, your father and I will be out shortly."

A few minutes later the gate opened a little. My mother and father stepped out.

"What the fuck do you want!" I snapped, "I know that was one of your people!"

"Why honey, I don't know what you're talking about?" my mother said nonchalantly.

"Don't act all stupid on me. You know what I'm talking about. What are you going to do? Show the whole world that I'm gay? Go ahead, I could care less about what people think of me," I spat.

She barked out a laugh, "Oh sweetie, I wouldn't do that...I would do something much worse," she replied sternly, her voice was icy cold and hard.

I swallowed hard but kept my composure. Narrowing my eyes at these two monstrous people, all I wanted was for them to disappear. I knew it didn't happen like that. We can't just wish for someone to drop dead and the next thing you know they're dead.

"What are you going to do," my words laced with venom.

"Nothing, only if you accept our proposal," my father cut in.

"What proposal," I asked dryly.

He smirked devilishly, "We won't do anything to your precious little boyfriend if you agree to come back and marry the Hendrick's daughter."

"You're lying. You wouldn't dare lay a hand on him," I snapped.

"Try us," my mother said. "All I need to do is make one phone call and just like that, at a snap of a finger he won't be able to see or speak again."

"You fucking bitches!" I screamed. "Lay one fucking finger, just one, and I will kill both of you!"

Anger and frustration coursed through me. Why are they doing this!

"Why! Why can't you just leave us alone!"

"Why? Why? Because you are our only son we can't have the whole world knowing that! Do you know how embarrassing it is to have a gay son?"

"That is the most ridiculous reason I've ever heard. So you're willing to hurt someone in order to save your faces? You two are something. I don't know how the hell I ended up with you two as parents. You know who should be embarrassed, I should be not you."

"I don't think you should be talking right now. I told you, one phone call and it's all over."

My body stiffened, jaw clenched and hands curled into balls. This is absurd. Life is a bitch. This is just unfair. Why must bad things always happen to good people? Theo sure as hell didn't deserve this. Hell, even I know that I myself don't deserve this bullshit.

"What do you say. It's simple question and an easy answer."

God I hate them so much. Either way I am fucked. How can I possibly not hurt Theo. I say no and who knows what they will do to him. I say yes and I still have to hurt him but calling off the engagement and marrying some girl I don't even know. There's only one answer to give and it sucks to already know the outcome. In order to protect Theo I have to say yes.

I closed my eyes and inhaled a deep breath. I held it for a few seconds before blowing it out, trying desperately not to murder these two evil beings standing before me. For two people who believe so religiously in God sure are evil as fuck. How ironic is that.

One Kiss [BoyxBoy]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang