Chapter 3

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Sam and Bucky are guided off the army plane and into the base. There Torres excitedly greets Sam and nods at Bucky.
"I have something really important to show you Sam!" Torres exclaimed. "After the meeting of course" he added, knowing Sam was here for the mission.

Sam agreed as Torres lead the pair to the meeting to be briefed on the mission. Bucky still had no clue what was happening but just followed behind Sam. He didn't particularly mind where they were going, he just didn't want to be alone.

~~~ time skip to after the meeting ~~~

Torres had requested that Sam walk into the grassy area outside whilst he went to get the 'surprise'.

Bucky mumbled something about it taking too long and Sam pretended not to hear. Sam was a little confused as to what on earth Torres wanted so desperately to show him, but he trusted Torres.

Soon enough Torres was walking towards them, a big contagious smile on his face causing Sam to also smile. But when Torres turned around Sam's smile faltered.

"I fixed up your wings, it's taken me a while but they can fly pretty good now. Maybe next mission I'll even be able to fly with you" Torres said, spinning back around.

Sam looked so serious, Bucky had never seen his mood change so quickly. Why wasn't he excited? Bucky always assumed that Sam liked Torres more than him, Torres had a much brighter outlook and was always happy. Surely having a partner like Torres would make Sam happy. Even if Bucky didn't like him that much, he was somewhat manageable.

Torres pressed a few buttons on his wristband and the wings swung out. They were very pretty, a dark blue colour at the top which slowly became lighter at the tips of each of the wings. He had clearly spent a long time on this. It wasn't functioning at the same level as before they were ripped off Sam, but they looked functional.

Torres lifted off the ground and did a small circle around Sam and Bucky. He flew higher and landed back where he started. He almost feel over, but just managed to right himself in time. He smiled widely, almost giggling from excitement and slight nerves. He didn't want Sam to think he was taking over being the falcon, he just wanted to help on his missions.

Sam moved forward in a trance like state and touched the left wing. He was shocked. His past memories flooded his head, losing his co pilot in the crash. Torres had done a good job piecing the broken parts together, but there was no way he would allow anyone he knew to be a co pilot again.

"No way Torres ... you can't do that" Sam said slowly.

"I- what? What do you mean? Like I know it's your thing but you don't want a side kick?" Torres asked, unsure of his decision. Had he overstepped? He really thought Sam would at least appreciate his attempt to join him in the skies.

"You need to stop playing with these man, it's not safe" Sam said, shaking his head and walking backwards until he stood beside a visibly confused Bucky. Sam turned his back and walked off, looking concerned as he was deep in thought.

Bucky turned and took a few steps before pausing and turning back to Torres.
"I'll talk to him, not sure what just happened."

Torres just nodded and went to remove the wings. He really thought Sam would like them.

Bucky found Sam in the empty training field, his back to the setting sun. Without a second thought, Bucky sat down close to Sam on the grass. Silence washed over them, it wasn't awkward. Bucky was trying to read Sam and Sam was trying to process what he just did.

Bucky patiently waited for Sam to speak, he would eventually. Bucky knew him well enough.

"I can't have him do that" Sam said.

Bucky watched Sam as he stared into the dirt. He looked, almost angry. Sam was upset with himself that he had been so harsh on Torres but also upset with Torres that he had done this without telling him.

"Did Steve ever tell you why I stopped flying, before you all showed up?" Sam asked. Bucky shook his head, not trusting his voice.

Sam described the lost of his co pilot all those years ago. How he had to watch his best friend fall from the sky, and he couldn't save him.

"I'm never letting that happen to anyone else" Sam said as a single tear slid from his eye. He never told people this, so why did he trust Bucky with this personal experience?

Bucky didn't know what to say so his simply placed his hand onto Sam's shoulder. Sam was surprised by the warm touch of Bucky's right hand. But it was comforting, so he appreciated it. The pair stayed like that for a while, the sun disappeared behind them.

Eventually Sam got up and offered Bucky his hand. No one would be able to deny the slight feeling of electricity being passed between them as they made contact. Neither mentioned it, simply letting the moment pass.

They walked back inside, side by side, to where they would be spending the night. They went to bed early knowing they'd have a early start to the morning. Sam considered apologising to Torres before he left but decided it was better if he stopped using the wings. They could discuss it when Sam returned from his mission. Maybe they both would be more prepared for the conversation at that

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