Chapter 2

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A/N: hope y'all liked the first chapter, and don't worry we will get to some drama soon enough ;)


The blissful sounds of birds and the feeling of warmth as the morning sun started to stream through the windows peacefully waking Bucky. As the room came into focus so did last night. Why did Sam not ask him to do something today? Maybe he'd rather spend time with his nephews without him.

After a few minutes he decided to get up and check on Sam, who was not in his room. Bucky panicked for a second before telling himself that Sam always went for runs in the morning. No one else was up yet, it was only just after sunrise.

Bucky made his way to the kitchen, Sam would probably be back soon and maybe he'd like something to eat...

Bucky had successfully found a frypan, turned the stove on and was frying an egg when he heard Sam return. Sam very quietly closed the front door, trying to not wake anyone else.

"Hay Sam" Bucky said quietly "you want some breakfast?"

Sam froze, did Bucky actually say that? Since when could Bucky even cook?
Bucky watched as Sam made his way into the corner, making quick eye contact before Sam's eyes fell on the frypan as his eyebrows raised a little.

"You don't look like you went for a run" Bucky said looking just a second too long at Sam in his exercise gear.

"What have you been watching me or something?" Sam said teasingly, looking away from the frypan and to Bucky in just enough time to catch the light blush that dusted his face.

"I- well...not really" Bucky stuttered, running his hand through his short brown hair.

"I just went for a walk ... You're gonna burn that man" Sam said, moving closer to Bucky as he grabbed the frypan and placed the eggs on a plate. It actually looked pretty good, not that there's much that you can do to an egg to cook it wrong.

"I didn't know you could cook Bucky"

"I did live on my own for a while, I had to do something other than boil everything" Bucky said as he cracked another egg, it didn't look professional but Sam could tell he had done this before.

"Well I hope you've been cooking more than just eggs" Sam said, fork in hand.

"Not really, there's not many 40s cook books around" Bucky said as he watched the sizzling egg.

"Remind me to teach some more cooking, because I do not wish to eat boiled food" Sam said in a friendly tone.

Bucky didn't reply, just pretended to be focused on the cooking. He was enjoying listening to Sam. Well no, he didn't mean that, it was nice to have a conversation with someone. Specifically this someone.

"Did you wanna do something with the boys today?" Sam said. Before Bucky could even process that Sam just asked him that, Sam quickly added "to give Sarah a break, we could pick them up from school and do something fun". He was speaking so fast his words blurred together. Sam questioned why he was so nervous, but it's not every day you ask a guy who's nearly killed you to hang out with your nephews.

Bucky was starting at Sam, who was looking at his plate, trying to read him. Did sam really ask that?

"Yea sure" Bucky replied, play it cool Barnes, "I'm sure they'd love to get ice cream or something". Not that kind of cool Barnes, he thought to himself as he prevented himself from physically facepalming.

"Sounds good" Sam said mindlessly. He continued to stare at his now empty plate, a slight smile on his lips whilst lost in thought.

Bucky watched him, slightly amused by his strange behaviour. He was so relieved that Sam actually wanted to spend time with him. But he probably just wanted another pair of eyes to watch the kids Bucky thought. Nevertheless, it was nice to feel like Sam wanted him around, better than feeling like a burden.

As Bucky finished his breakfast, Sam looked up and their eyes met. Sam could have sworn he'd never seen Bucky so peaceful and soft, his light blue eyes staring back in a way that didn't feel threatening. It felt comforting. Bucky kept looking curiously into Sams brown eyes, trying to work out what was going on in his head. Neither wanted to look away, they were momentarily mesmerised.

Suddenly the ringing of a phone shattered the fragile moment like a rock breaking glass. Their eye contact was broken in panic as Sam pulled his phone out of his pocket.
"Yes ... yes ... yes ... I'll have to confirm, but I will be at the airpot ASAP".

Bucky watched Sam's face turn serious. "They've got a mission for me, they'd like you to join me but apparently I can't force you"

Bucky put the place in the sink, "let me pack my bags" and headed into the lounge room. "I'll grab your suit too" he added as an afterthought, Sam would need to say goodbye to his family.

Sam quickly grabbed his things, and included a few extra shirts incase Bucky might need to diversify his wardrobe. He quickly explained to Sarah that a mission came up and said goodbye to the boys.

Bucky was waiting in the passenger seat of Sams car when he left the house.

"I've put the suit and the shield already, anything else you need?" Bucky asked out the window.

"No I think that's everything" Sam replied, as long as your coming he added mentally.

They drove off, headed for the airport. But that moment in the kitchen continued nagged in their minds.

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