Chapter two

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I didn't know much about Peter. Just that he was an idiot, who made my life a god damn place. I knew he often stole things like Twinkies and other candies. I saw many times that cops came over for him and I heard his mother scolding. My mother and her were friends. In the past Peter and I had to go out with that two and needed to act like we liked each other.

I lay on my bed and thought about the day. It wasn't that exiting. I wrote an exam in physic and needed to detention, just like every day. But in reality it's not like in the movie "The breakfast-club". Especially not if the person you can least suffer sits right next to you and is, like Peter on that and many other days, partly responsible for the fact that you had to imprison at all. After detention Peter stole my Walkman and so we both need to detention in the next week again.

Wait a minute...

I looked around. I ran to my bag and began to dig in it. I got all things out and distributed them on the floor, but it wasn't there. My cassette Walkman wasn't here. I knew that I got it back from Peter but since I saw him in front of his house, I hadn't seen my Walkman. Did he steal it again?  That would make more sense. My Walkman couldn't just vanished . I am very carefully with the Walkman. And Peter often stole things and nobody noticed it.

I ran out of the front door to Peters house. I've been at his house only once. His mother opened the door and looked confused. "Hello.", I said friendly.
"Hello y/n. What are you doing here?", she asked.
"I need something back from Peter. He...borrowed something from me.", I explained.

She nodded, smiled awkwardly and pointed to the stairs beside her. I went downstairs, entered his basement and closed the door behind me.

"Y/n?", Peter asked confused, "Why are you here?"
"Don't act like you wouldn't know why I'm here, Peter.", I said, "Give me my Walkman back."

"I already gave it back to front of the school. Remember?"
"Of course I remember but it isn't there and it couldn't have just vanished. I know you have it. Give it back."

"If I had your Walkman, when should I had take it?", Peter asked.
"When I stood in front of the door and when you stood in your driveway."

"Oh! You mean when you just stared at me like a weirdo."

"Yes. I mean no, I didn't stared at you, but yes on this time."

"We both know, you stared at me.", Peter said.

"And we both know, you have my Walkman."

I raised an eyebrow. Annoyed he turned around and gave me my Walkman. "You have a bad taste in music.", he said. I knew, he just wanted to provoke me but it always worked out so well.

"Hey! My music will tell you more about me than i ever will. What's wrong with Led Zeppelin?!" , I yelled at him.
"Nothing. It's just not as good as Pink Floyd.", he said with a calm voice.

"I like kind of both the same.", I said.

"You like Pink Floyd?"


"What's your favorite album?", he seemed interested.

"The Dark Side Of The Moon.", I said.

"Really? Mine too.", he said almost happy.

I don't shared his happiness: "That doesn't matter. So you stole my Walkman just to see what music taste I have?"

"Yap. Anyway. Do you like Jim Croce?"

"Jim Corce? Really?"

"Hey! He's a legend.", he said and went to his desk. He grabbed his Walkman. "You have an one Walkman? Wow...", I murmured ironically.

"Shh. Just sit on the couch and listen.", he said. He put his headphones carefully over my ears when I sat down and he started to play the music.

I listened to the melody while Peter stared at me to see my reaction.

I heard Jim's Voice softly sing.

If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save everyday 'til eternity passes away
Just to spend it with you.

If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I'd save everyday like a treasure and then
Again and again I'd spend them with you

But there never seems to be a big time
To do the things you wanna do
Once you find him
Once you find him

And I've looked around enough to know
You're the one I wanna go through time with
Through time with

After I heard that song until the second verse, I could only smile. The fact that I smiled also made Peter smile. But, unlike usual, it was not a provocative, but a sincere smile, admittedly very nice and pretty.

It was for us both a bit weird, to smile at each other. I quickly took down the headphones and looked away from his hazelnut brown eyes and his beautiful smile before it became awkward and not only weird anymore.

"Did you like it?", he asked hopefully.
"Yeah, kind of.", I said.
"Not my kind of music.", I said. That was a lie. I loved that song but I didn't want to admit that.

We just stared at each other while we could still hear time in a bottle from his loud headphones.

After a while of staring at each other like we were in a trance his mother yelled something to Peter: "Peter, the cops are here.... Again."

Peter looked nervously. "Did you call the cops?!", he asked worriedly.

"No! Why should I? You stole my Walkman, nothing more."

"Let me check it.", he said. In the next second he stood behind me . "No they're not cops.", he said and flashed over to a ping pong table. "How did you-?", I was interrupted by three man walking downstairs. Two of them were dressed professionally, good for the situation. One was tall, the other smaller. The third one looked like a drug addict on withdrawal.

Peter started to play ping pong with himself. He was fast. So fast that he could easily catch each of his balls on the other side of the table. He was a mutant. That explained much, not everything but much.

"What do you guys want? I didn't do anything.", Peter flashed other to the couch and lay down in a cool pose beside me, "I've been here all day."

"Just relax, Peter. We're not cops."

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