Chapter 7

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May 8th, 2018 4:28 am

I am walking in the lunchroom of the cafeteria with Damian when I notice Beast Boy and Blue Beetle talking with Kori and Nightwing. They look confused and Beastyboy looks angry. "What is going on?" I turn to Damian for answers. 

"John and Zatanna told us about Cyborgs bug, so Martian Manhunter is taking out it right now to prevent any risk to us," Damian said with no emotion. It was as if he was on autopilot as he stood beside me. 

"Are you alright?" I whisper, turning to him with concern. 

"I am fine," he answers a little too quickly for my liking. 

"Damian," I grab his arm and stop him from walking anymore. "Please. I don't know what is upsetting you, but if I can help... ? Just tell me so I can fix it." 

"It is not something you can fix," his voice was venom and I dropped my hand from his arm and took a step back. 

"I think I should go," I mumble before teleporting across the building. Something about Damian's raw rage made my heart hurt. I couldn't help but feel the emotions of both my visions and my conflicting emotions. 

I shouldn't have run, but I couldn't take it anymore. I felt like I was suffocating and I just needed to think things through on my own. I lean against the wall and slump to the ground, barring my head in my knees as I wrap my hands around them. 

"Raven?" Zatanna's familiar voice brought my attention back to her. "Are you alright?" She bends down and sits in front of me. 

"It's too much," I mumble, feeling the need to cry. 

"Ah," she bent forward and put her hands over mine in comfort. "I know this is a lot right now, but you don't have to hold this all in. You are different than either John or I because you can feel the death and relive the emotions of every kill. But you don't have to be like that." 

"But it's not just that." I felt a tear roll down my face. "I... I can't explain it." 

"You don't have to right now," she squeezes my hand. "Take your time." 

"I need to get out of here," I shake my head. 

She was silent for a second before nodding. "Come with me," she stands up and offers me a hand. I take it and stand up, dusting myself off. 

"Where to?" I wipe the tear off my face. 

"John and I own a house," she led me down the hall. "John has to stay the night, but I was going to go anyways, so I would be happy to have you come with me." 

"I don't want to intrude," I shake my head. 

"You won't," she smiles kindly at me. "Besides, the house is magical and I think you would appreciate it much more than the other Justice League members would." 

"Magic?" I turned to her in surprise. 

"Yes," she nods. 

"Cool," I smile for the first time, finally feeling more like myself. 

"Should you call your team and tell them before we depart?" She stops in front of a door and turns to me. 

"I will text Kori where I am going and she will fill in the others," I explained, pulling out my phone and sending her a quick text. When I was finished I put my phone away and turned to Zatanna with a smile. "I am ready." 

"Good," she nods and turns to the door. She says a few words, that to a normal person it would sound like gibberish, but to a magician, you could tell she was speaking backward. The door opened and a white portal appeared before us. 

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