"I'll do it soon, I just need some more time" I said and she frowned a bit "There's never enough time, so do it while you can" she said and I frowned a bit "Ok" I said and she pulled me into a hug. "Anyways I have to get going" she said with a small smile that I returned "Ok! Thanks for the talk Emma" I said and she hummed "See you!" She said as she waved at the boys before walking off.

Mikey dropped the ball again and I picked it up before throwing it halfway across the field.

"MY BALL!" Takemichi yelled as he began running after it and I rolled my eyes before looking at Mikey.

"Aw N/N! That one didn't count" he said with a pout and I sighed "It's hard to believe that you're the friggin leader of a gang" I mumbled and Draken stifled his laugh before smirking "I'm gonna help Takemitchy" he said as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked off into Takemichi's direction.

"That was weird" I mumbled as I rubbed the back of my head before looking over at Mikey.

"I had a favor to ask" I said and he tilted his head to the side "What is it?" He asked and I looked away "Uh well my sister is home and we're having dinner soon,
Did you want to tag along?" I asked awkwardly as I looked over at his smiling face "Yes!"

His stomach growled.

Of course he wouldn't say 'no' when foods mentioned.

"Ok well let's go then" I said and he grabbed my hand and pulled me along. "BYE KEN-CHIN! BYE TAKEMITCHY!" Mikey called out as he began waving with his other hand and the two boys waved back before laughing about something that was said.

Me and Mikey ran all the way back to my house.

I opened the door and walked inside as I was hit with a pleasant smell. Mikey began sniffing the air as he looked around "You smell good" he said and I hit him over the head "THATS THE FOOD IDIOT" I yelled and he rubbed his head "Ouch...." He mumbled as I closed the door.

I pulled him over to the dining room.

"S/N!" I called and she poked her head around the door as she grinned "Ah hello you two" she greeted and I sent her a 'don't you dare' look as she laughed before walking back into the kitchen.

"I'm hungry" Mikey pouted as his stomach growled again and I rolled my eyes "Be patient and keep your stomach under control" I said and he looked down at his stomach before looking back at me.

He tilted his head to the side "How?"

I facepalmed "Nevermind" I mumbled as my sister came out with three plates of food. She set it down in front of me and Mikey and then in front of herself.

I looked down and saw Salem looking up at me before letting out a small meow "Just a bit" I mumbled as I picked up some of the food and placed it in my palm as I reached down and Salem immediately ate it causing me to smile.

"So Mikey, what do you like to do in your spare time?" My sister asked and I shot him a 'I swear I will murder you if you mention your gan-' "Hang out with N/N" he said as he began stuffing his face.

I looked away "Aw how sweet, I'm surprised that you like hanging around Y/N so much since she can be a major pain in the as-" I cut her off "This food tastes like garbage" I said and she gasped "RUDE!" She yelled and I smiled sweetly at her "oops" I said as she rolled her eyes "You're definitely cooking your own food next time" she said and I smiled "Gladly" I mused and she rolled her eyes again before laughing.

Mikey stared at us with a blank expression.

I tilted my head to the side "Something wrong?" I asked and he shook his head "you guys act alike" he said and I scoffed "As if" me and my sister said at the same time causing Mikey to laugh. Me and my sister both crossed our arms "She's a lot more annoying than me" I muttered and S/N scoffed "Oh please, you're just a brat" she said and I smirked "You raised me, guess I learned from the best" I said and she laughed causing me to laugh as well.

"Are you going to eat that?" Mikey asked as I looked over to see that all of his food was gone.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen before bringing the leftover food over to the table. "Help yourself" I said and his eyes lit up as he began pouring the food into his bowl.

S/N laughed "Someone appreciates my cooking" she said and he nodded "It's good" he said as he began stuffing his face again causing me to laugh "I swear it's like he has a black hole for a stomach" I said and S/N laughed whilst Mikey was off in his own little world.

"Oh Mikey! I totally have to show you Y/N's baby pictures" S/N gushed as Mikey looked over at her and smiled "Yeah!" He said and I scoffed "NO WAY!"

"And this is when she was two years old and she fell over" My sister cooed as she pointed to my baby photo.

"Baby N/N!" Mikey stared down at my photo.

I hate them both.

"I really don't like you guys" I said and Mikey hugged my leg from where he was sitting "but you looked so adorable" he said as he grabbed the book and started flipping through more of the photos.

"Pirate hat, diaper.....bath time, mud, food, baby teeth" Mikey began mumbling as he mentioned different parts of each of the photos and I snatched the book from him "KNOCK IT OFF!" I exclaimed and my sister laughed loudly as she fell over.

"That's hilarious" she mused as she wiped fake tears.

"Baby Y/N used to run around the house naked until she was 3 because she hated wearing clothes" she said and I narrowed my eyes "DON'T TELL HIM THAT" I yelled and he smiled "Any pictures?" He asked and I hit him over the head "SHUT YOUR MOUTH" I yelled at him and he rubbed his head "Ouch....."

My sister laughed even harder.

A small smile made its way onto my face as I watched the two of them getting along.

I want to do this more often.

It makes me so.....happy.

A/N- If you enjoyed this story then please leave a vote and comment, it would also mean so much to me if you guys would give me a follow!!<33

A/N- If you enjoyed this story then please leave a vote and comment, it would also mean so much to me if you guys would give me a follow!!<33

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