We came across a costume shop.

Me and S/N smirked at each other before running in and looking around. "Best costume wins!" S/N said as she began grabbing items and I began grabbing things as well.

I ran into the changing room and changed.

"Ready?" S/N asked from the other changing room besides me and I smiled "Yeah!" I called out as we both walked out and looked at each other. We both began laughing loudly as we took in each other's appearance.

I was wearing a black mustache with a green and blue wig, it was paired up with sunglasses and a pirate costume.

S/N was wearing a bald cap with a eyepatch and a clown costume with fake teeth inside of her mouth causing me to start crying from laughing so hard "Oh my gosh! You definitely have to pay for those teeth, that's nasty!" I said in-between my laughter and she laughed even harder "I will, I think I look pretty hot with this outfit on" she joked and I grinned "Yeah all the boys will go insane" I mused and she nearly tripped over a rubber ball causing us both to laugh until we couldn't even breathe anymore.

"Oh that was priceless" I sighed as I wiped away the stray tears that had fallen during our laughing fit.

"I totally won" she said and I hummed "Oh yeah you totally did, that bald cap was just terrific" I said and she laughed as we both walked into the changing rooms again and put on our regular clothes back on.

S/N walked back out and paid for the teeth.

"I don't know when I'll ever use these" she said as she tossed them into the trash and I laughed "They have your nasty spit on it so I wouldn't be using it either" I mused and she scoffed "Nasty spit?" She asked as she grabbed my hand and licked it causing me to nearly fall over "THAT'S SO GROSS!" I yelled and she smiled "Hehe! My spit isn't nasty at all" she said as she stuck her tongue out and I playfully rolled my eyes "You're such a little kid" I said as I pushed her and she laughed before pushing me back.

"You started it" she said as she crossed her arms and I laughed "Yeah, definitely a kid at heart" I said and she reached over to ruffle my hair.

She pulled my head onto her shoulder as we walked.

"Food?" She asked and I grinned "Yeah!" I chirped and she laughed as we walked into a small restaurant that was located inside of the mall.

"Table for two?" The hostess asked and we nodded in agreement as she brought us over to a table and sat us down, we sat across from each other. "Ok so let's talk about boys, when are you going to go out and find one?" I asked as I stared her down and she scoffed "I have no time for boys, I'm basically a mother" she said as she smirked and crossed her arms causing me to roll my eyes "Barely, more like an old nanny" I mused and she scowled "You little shit" she said and I laughed causing her to crack a smile.

"You laugh just like mom" she said and I froze causing her to freeze as well "Oh uh....I didn't mean-" I cut her off "No it's fine.....I like when you talk about her, you haven't done that in a while" I said and she smiled "I just miss her that's all......I wonder what life would've been like if she was still around" she said as she looked around the restaurant and I shrugged "Maybe we would have stayed in Japan instead of moving all the way to America" I said and she frowned a bit "I wanted to apologize for that.....it wasn't fair to you and I should have listened to you" she said and I sighed "It wasn't fair but we're back now so it doesn't matter anymore" I said and she smiled before placing her hand on mine.

"I'm glad to have a sister like you" she said as I looked away "Stop being so sappy" I mused and she smiled "I can't help it, today's already been so much fun and I always enjoy hanging out with you" she said as I stared at her "I'm going to start taking more days off so that me and you can hang out more" she said and I smiled brightly "I would love that!" I said and she winked at me "I also want to have dinner with that boy of yours" she said and I felt my face heating up.

He'd probably eat all of the damn food in my house.

"I don't know...." I drifted and she smiled "Oh c'mon! I'm sure that he's going to ask you out soon and when he does, I want to have dinner with you two" she said and I smiled "Ok....deal!" I said and she grinned "Cool" she said as the waitress walked over to get our orders.

We quickly ordered and she walked off to the kitchen as I turned back to S/N.

"Well you have to find someone to marry so that I can have lots of nieces and nephews!" I said and she laughed "Oh please, plural? I can barely keep up with you" she said and I smiled "Well I'll help out! I can be like an amazing Aunt" I said and she smiled "You will be an amazing Aunt, when that time comes" she said and I smiled "I'm looking forward to it" I said as I winked at her and she crossed her arms while smiling.

"I'm glad that we're so close, it's nice having someone to rely on whenever things get tough" she said and I nodded "I know what you mean....family is forever" I said and she held her pinky up.

I connected it.

"I could make a million promises to you but only one matters" she said as she closed her eyes "I promise that one day, we're going to have it all" she whispered as I closed my eyes as well.

As we sat there and laughed, everything felt so great.

Things were looking up.

But things were going to get very bad....very soon.

A/N- If you enjoyed this story then please leave a vote and comment, it would also mean so much to me if you guys would give me a follow!!<33

A/N- If you enjoyed this story then please leave a vote and comment, it would also mean so much to me if you guys would give me a follow!!<33

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