"hang on—" your eyebrows knitted together as you came to a sudden realisation. "how the hell did you get your hands on the winter soldier?" your eyes trailed up and down him, his expression staying the same until you uttered the name. his jaw tightened as he glanced down at his feet for a second.

he shook his head, meeting your eyes again before he spoke. "that's not my name."

"oh really?" you teased, eyebrow twitching upwards. "we've met before, if you want me to jog your memory?" you followed his gaze as he tried to avoid your piercing stare. he shook his head a little softer this time. you gritted your teeth. "you tried to kill me."

he faltered for a split second but quickly tried to disguise it. he sniffed, shaking his head again. "i had no control—"

"oh, well that makes all the trauma you inflicted ok then—"

"y/n!" steve growled, cutting you short as his patience began to wear thin with you. it always did, you knew how to push every one of their buttons.

"cut it out, kid. you made your point," tony mumbled, his eyes struggling to meet yours. you shook your head.

"i can't believe i ever associated with you cranks."

"she was an avenger?" a voice you didn't recognise spoke for the first time, you frowned. it was young, girl-ish and wearing spandex.

"no," you narrowed your eyes at him and he seemed to shrink back away from you. you glanced at tony again. "you're recruiting kids now? that must be sitting nicely on your conscience, tony."

"i'm not a kid," the spandex clad kid in the corner tried lowering his voice to disguise himself but he'd already given himself away.

"have fun dealing with that weight when he gets killed, alright?" you teased a little too darkly.

"you never did know when to stop talking," clint chimed in for the first time.

"how's the wife and kids, barton? haven't paid them a visit in a while— 'they still living out in—"

he took a step forward, his hand moving to grab an arrow, his bow swinging up to face you but it was natasha who held out her hand to stop him.

"always so dramatic," you rolled your eyes, turning away from the gang and back to where the winter soldier stood blocking your exit. you look him up and down again. "steve, you wanna tell your guard dog to move out of my way or do i have to make him?"

"you can't leave, you're involved," steve was short, he was trying not to lose his temper with you. you made it incredibly hard for anyone to be nice to you.

"also, you just told us you came here to deliberately sabotage this mission," sam added. "we can't just let you leave to finish off what you started."

you eyed them both up irritably. realistically you had no way of leaving if they were going to try and stop you. you were greatly outnumbered.

you humphed. "what're you gonna do with me anyhow? guarantee you'll be sick of me in a couple hours and you'll have wished you let me go right now."

"it's not up to us," tony shook his head. "you've got a lot of people looking to hold you accountable for some pretty serious shit."

you shook your head, chewing on your bottom lip. "assholes," you murmured, more to yourself than to them directly. you narrowed your eyes at him, eyebrows furrowing at the tone tony was taking with you. "if i remember correctly, you've all done some pretty serious shit in the past but i don't see that catching up with any of you."

"it's not the same--" tony shook his head but you cut him off.

"no because you have money, a shit tonne of it, so you can make it go away," you humphed, eyes dragging away from tony. "i don't see natasha being held accountable-- and trust me-- if you think i'm bad--"

"will you shut it," natasha snapped, her fists clenching at her side.

you let out a soft smirk, seeing her breathing heavy out the corner of you eye. "full house," you mumbled under your breath, amused that you got a rise out of every one of them in a matter of minutes. "you're all so easy."

"you're coming with us," steve ignored your comment, nodding to bucky. he picked up his shield and walked passed you without even a glance in your direction.

"fat chance," you scoffed, but before you could reach for your gun again, you were swiftly disarmed by the winter soldier. he tucked your gun away and made to grab your wrists, only for you to smack his hands away. you shook your right arm downwards, letting your backup knife fall from your sleeve and into your palm. you lifted it to his neck, pressed up against his skin. "try to touch me again and i swear to god i'll kill you."

he didn't seem to flinch. he picked up on the slight tremble in your grip that might have gone unnoticed by anyone else. bucky gave you a second before catching you off guard and slapping the knife away from his throat, his hand catching your wrist before prying it out of your grip.

you huffed. "you're making the wrong call following them," you teased as he spun you around, yanking your hands behind your back and restraining your wrists with a zip tie. "trust me, you'll regret it. and i think you have enough regret to last you a lifetime and then some."

he turned back round to face him, his breath fanning your face he had leaned in so close to you. "why would i trust anything you say?"

you shrugged, your lips dipping down for a second. "that's fair— you probably shouldn't."

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