The Vanara's Wedding

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So hello. I thought I'd give you guys, my loyal readers, one last chapter. I wanted to do this one, but then I completely forgot about this idea. Consider it a parting gift.

Aru Shah and the City of Gold

Pages 102-103

The potatoes and Kara had just arrived in the vanara's kingdom.

And Aiden was very confused about Kara and Aru, but now was not the time for that sort of thinking.

He was currently taking pictures of the kingdom while Kara spouted some fact about guillotines. A vanara wearing a turban ran over to Aiden. He cried, "We love celebrations almost as much as war!

Aiden, utterly bewildered, lowered his Shadowfax. "That's good?" It was more like a question.

"Have you written your vows already?" the vanara asked.

Wait what?

"Vows?" he asked incredulously. For some reason this made him think of Aru, which made him panic, which made him glance at her.

He resisted the urge to facepalm.

Another vanara rushed toward Aiden, tossed a garland around his neck, and began combing his hair.

He realized Aru was being measured by a vanara. He measured her waist and squinted at her, holding up golden bracelets and earrings.

What? He was very muddled.

Aiden swiped at the monkey man doing his hair, but it only laughed.

"Okay, I'm confused," Aru said. "What's happening?"

"We're preparing for your wedding, obviously! The queen said there will be a celebration, which must mean a wedding! I love weddings! You're the blushing bride, right?" Aiden tried not to panic. Talk about awkward: monkey people preparing a random wedding for you and your crush.

The three girls behind him started giggling uncontrollably.

"Wifey's bride?" Aru asked incredulously.

The vanara turned towards Aiden.

Shoot. By saying calling him wifey, now the vanara though he was the blushing bride or whatever.

"So you're the bride! We'll have to do this as a vow-renewal ceremony."

Aiden was miffed. He was not ready to be married yet. Especially not to Aru, officiated by monkey people.

He threw off the garland and sent the comb over the wall.

"No wedding, no vows, thank you," he growled. Then, maybe because he was thinking about how he married Aru in a past life, Draupadi and Arjuna, he added, "Been there, done that."

"Oh, I see," the vanara nodded sadly. "Separated?"


"Reincarnated," he snapped.

He hefted Shadowfax and stormed off, not catching the hurt look on Aru's face.

Are commented something, but Aiden wouldn't listen. Laughter rang out behind him, and as he was leaving, he heard Brynne say he name: Ammamma.

Well, it doesn't end very happily, but the do kiss at the end of the book, so all is well.

Remember, I will be coming back here in April/May 2022. Why?


That's when Aru Shah and the Nectar of Immortality comes out, and there will (hopefully) be a lot more Aiden stuff.

Anyways, if you go to the any of the book links in the last chapter, PLEASE DO NOT MENTION WATTPAD. Thank you.

See you after Nectar of Immortality is released!


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