Lost. Missing. Gone. | Part 2

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Little bit of swearing, I'll black out some of the syllables.

Aru Shah and the City of Gold

Pages 22-23

Aiden Acharya was feeling a little worse. Aru had been gone for almost TWO F*CKING MONTHS!!! Maybe she was dead, after all.

He was walking with Brynne to Aru's house/museum. Of course, Mini, Sheela, and Nikita were tagging along. They spent a lot of time inside the museum, cleaning up and guarding the area.

 Suddenly, there was a boom, a thud, a few screams and lots of flailing from outside on the lawn.

Bee sprinted to the door, opening in and shooting a blast of wind out, mace outstretched. Aiden was right behind her.

The door had been flung open into a familiar girl's chest, who yelled, "OW!" in a very familiar face.

Brynne didn't recognize the girl. "TAKE THAT, VAGABOND!" she shouted.

"Brynne, how many times have we been through this? Look first, then attack!" Aiden scolded.

Mini pushed past. "Holy... Oh my god... it's Aru." She walked towards the body lying on the ground, which was groaning. Mini burst into tears, crying her heart out. "You're okay!"

Aiden hung back.

"Shah!" cried Bee.

Aru's sisters grabbed her in a hug. Brynne just squeezed until Aru gasped, "Need-air! Help!"

Mini let go and Bee hoisted Aru off the ground. They both stepped back, letting Aiden approach Aru, Brynne with a smirk on her face.

"Shah," he began disbelievingly. "I couldn't stop thinking about you. I mean, you know, thinking if you were okay and stuff..." Aiden was blushing. Badly. Luckily, Aru was looking down. But then she peered up and started nervously into his eyes.

Aiden wanted to sug her. Kiss her. HE JUST WANTED TO DO THAT, OKAY? Argh... it was too early. He might hurt her... or she might hurt him.... ugh.

His arms dropped to his sides.

Aru stepped back, actually seeming a little disappointed. But it was too late now.

Aiden coughed and pointed to another girl unconscious on the ground, asking, "Who is she?"

Aru seemed really nervous now. She took a deep breath and looked directly at the Potatoes. Her voice rose in pitch at the end, as if she were waiting for approval. "So... as it turns out... I'm not the only daughter of the Sleeper?"

:D Well, that was less sad. Aiden's a happy boi now. Hahahaha no. He's not.


Aiden I-Only-Love-My-Camera Acharya - An Aru Shah FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now