Stung (A.K.A. Voting Problems) | Part 2

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This was by request of @MylaChen !

Aru Shah and the City of Gold
Pages 125 - 126

Aiden was watching Aru and Kara make up. He was by their sleeping area, frowning a little. It was weird, seeing how girls just... did that. Made up. Forgave.

Though girls could be vicious wolves:

-travel in a pack
-snarl and growl when agitated
-give glares when annoyed
-destroy enemies

Anyway. Aiden shouldn't be thinking about that right now.

"Hurry up, Ammamma!" Brynne shouted.

Aiden began to make his way over to the group, but he glanced in Aru's direction and slowed his pace.

Her warm brown skin looked smooth and soft, and her black hair seemed silky, braided to prefection, and Vajra glowed on her wrist in bracelt form. Her hair was floated off her shoulders, slightly, and her eyes flashed, turning to him.

Uh oh.

"And you thought I couldn't do it," she accused.

Well, he did... sort of...


Whatever. He wasn't about to say that he couldn't choose between her or Kara, and that his emotions had gotten the better of him. They did that sometimes. Like right now.

His hands clenched into fists, but he kept them in his pockets so Aru wouldn't notice.

"I never said that." Aru crossed her arms, and Aiden mentally sighed. "I don't like picking sides. It's, um, not a happy memory for me."

A little bit of guilt showed through Aru's expression of anger, and Aru's irritation faded.

Aiden, despite trying not to, relished the fact that she still had a soft spot for him. He felt a little good, making her understand.

But she didn't understand, but that was because Aiden hadn't told her the truth.

Then he felt bad, so he added a little of the truth. "But for what it's worth, I'm always on your side, Shah."

Aru stepped back, resentment closing over her other emothions once more, consuming hir soft features, causing them to pinch.

"Well, you could've told me that!" she shouted. "It would have been nice!" Seeing Aru's slight change in mood, like she had moved past it, Aiden's spirits rose.

"You don't function well under nice, Shah," Aiden told her, an idea on just how to show the following to her forming. "You tend to do your thing when there are zero options left. I think panic brings out the best in you."

"Not true, and also rude-"

Shadowfax's click! rang through the air.

Flipping his precious camera around, Aiden said, "See?" as Aru looked at her expression. "It's a good look on you, Shah."

He saw Aru smile.

She didn't look cute in the photo. Aiden rarely saw her that way.

She was regal and beautiful. She really looked like the Daughter of Thunder.

And he was her lightning.

Sooooooooooo. What did you guys think? Also, sorry for not updating... I found a really good story! Her name's @CrystalScherer and she does some really good ones. I just finished reading Upon Wings of Change, before that was A Starship Called Starsong. Then it was her werewolf stories, which aren't actually like most. Redeeming the Lost (A Comforter's Tale) and Looking To Belong (A Runt's Story).

Anyway, enough about that. Remeber to comment any requests if you want a certain scene! (And I will try to find one that had some Snake of Death.)


Aiden I-Only-Love-My-Camera Acharya - An Aru Shah FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now