Prologue "A shooting star is known then born"

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Five astronauts were floating about in space fixing their space ship.
"How long is this gonna' take man?" a man asked.
"Roger, how many times do I have to tell you?! 9 months and 11 days, that's my closest guess!" The captain answered.
"Fine! I just want to make sure cap'." Roger grumbled.
They continued with their work then went inside.
But the woman stayed out and continued working.
"Fiana please come inside," The captain said to Fiana through his radio.
"Sorry honey but I'm gonna' stay out and finish this," she answered.
"No you don't understand, there is gonna' be a ton of comets flying through here and I don't want you hurt!"
Fiana sighed "Oh Ryan" she said to herself, "Don't worry I'll be back in before you know it."
"Fine, but be careful" Ryan half grumbled.
All of a sudden there where flying rocks shooting by.
Ryan looked out and screamed to Fiana, "Fiana get out of there!"
She looked up and widened eyes in surprise.
She frantically used the rope to pull her way to the space ship. A small comet flew right past her face, "tripped" over the rope, and tumbled away with little scraps flying away. She backed away in shock, took a moment to keep herself together and breathe, then kept going, still shocked.
But what she didn't know was that a piece, the size of a fingernail, seeped through her spacesuit, through her skin and into her womb, where there was -she didn't know yet- a baby growing inside.

1 month later

Ryan sat waiting by the bathroom door of the spaceship and waited for his wife, Fiana.
"Fiana you okay?!?!" He called only to be answered by a loud belch.
"I'll-I'll take that as a no!" He called.
Suddenly there was a loud creak as the metal door opened and Fiana stepped out.
"I-I think I need to go see Percy." She mumbled.
"You sure?" Ryan said a bit worried.
"Y-" she almost threw up "Yes."
"Okay I'll take you," Ryan grabbed her wrist.
She nodded and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

Ryan paced by the doctor's door. The door opened and out stepped a smiling Fiana.
Ryan raised an eyebrow, "Um, Fiana, are you okay?"
She nodded, grinning,"Um, honey, I have some exciting news to tell you."
He raised his other eyebrow
"What is it?"
She held both his hands in hers with a smile still plastered on her face, "Honey...we're having a baby."

In the hospital room of the ship, a shooting star was being born.
"Come on Fiana, Push!" Percy called.
There was one last push and a blob slid out.
"Oh Ryan, just look at her, she's beautiful," Fiana sighed.
Ryan bent down and took a good look at his daughter, "You're right, she is beautiful."
"What should we name her?" The new father asked.
"How about...Eclipse?"
Fiana asked.
"It's perfect."
Hey guys! Just wanted to say that, just like every other book I write, I decided to update after every 4 chapters I finish. Just wanted to tell you that!

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