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Cory and Tina were at dinner I love you sweetheart I love you too honey  I can't believe we are going to be grandparent again  I know  i can't wait  me after dinner they go home and  watch and cuddled up and watch a  movie   and went to bed  the next day   Riley and Lucas  take the girls to  grandma house  bye girls  mommy love you they  went to  lunch  and went home  Riley and Lucas    cuddled    later that night  they are watching a movie  Riley cuddled up with Lucas and the phone rings  hello hi Maya  hi honey how are you feeling tried  and always hungry I yeah I know that  feeling  are you going to my appointment tomorrow  with  Skylar  yes the girls are with mom ok talk to you tomorrow love you bye  after that  Riley said  let go to bed  and make out  and more  after I take a  shower  with my husband  ok the next morning  Riley wake up and they have breakfast  Maya at home and she was purk Josh  I hate  you baby  girl  it's ok sweetie  don't sweetie me  I love you baby I love you too  honey they kiss  at the doctor  they  check in and the wait so Maya  are sick  Yet yes  a few minutes later  the nurse come out  and call Maya  they check her vital ok Maya  everything is good  let check  on the baby ok well  Maya it  looks like you are going to have twins you are 7 weeks  and we can  tell you the gender in 3 weeks ok ty doctor after they leave they go to lunch and then went home

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