Sister's Arival

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Sin's pov

"it's time - - - let's go" grandma told me, and I obediently followed. The day I've been waiting for is here, I will go to Gracefield...

"Let me introduce them, this is Carol one of your new siblings. The person next to me is your new Sister, she's here to help me out with chores around the house." Isabella introduced the us, "Sister?".

"Ah yes, ello there I hope we all get along~" I said scanning the children spotting Ray, then Norman and Emma... Oh dear they should really work on their facial expressions.

3rd pov

"damn it" Norman said punching the tree, "this is bad another demon minion, plus she's living in a inconvenient spot." Ray sighed, 'second floor right in the centre of the kids room' Emma thought.

"we played right into her hands and made preparations to welcome another enemy. Making space in the pantry, inspecting the spare linen... I would have known had I given more thought!" Norman said frustrated "if it was just to take us by surprise she wouldn't have made us do those chores" Norman continued.

"but even if we knew there was no way to prevent it, why are you so..." Ray commented, "it's not about preventing it, mom kept dangling clues in front of us." Norman answered.

'I should have been able to read her moves, but I didn't she outmaneuvered me. At that point I already lost to mom! We are still children in the plam of her hand, and what awaits us beyond that is... Certain death. I was naive. As long as we outmaneuvere her...' Norman thought.

"unless we surpass her, there's no way we can escape. its all about mom" norman said, "...maybe making us depressed is also what she was going for. But if she dangled hints in front of us, that's what she wanted to show off. "I'm way better at strategy than you." "I see right through you give up." crying would only satisfy the enemy we should actually be happy about this" Ray said.

"huh?" Emma questioned confused, "we don't have to play by her rules. In the end, if we escape... Its our win. Now we have two more sources of information." Ray explained "oh..." Emma realised, "Yeah we are the ones who will win in the end. We need more information, so in that sense, the situation isn't so bad. This isn't over yet" Emma spoke determined.

"now that I think about it doesn't the new Sister seem quite young?" Emma questioned, "you're right I'm sure she is at least 2-3 years older than us" Norman replied.

"yay! We can finally play with Emma!" Phil rejoiced running with Sherry towards the others.
"she's not here" Phil flaters, "it's just Gilda and them" Sherry Commented.

"Don, what are you doing? Phil asked looking at Don who was leaning against a tree with a ABC book at hand," imitating Ray." Don answered smugly,
"i see you're bored, okay I'll play with you" Phil responded.

"Where's Emma?" Sherry asked, "I don't know she took off" Gilda replied placed her hands on Sherry's shoulders. "with Norman and Ray?" Sherry questioned, "probably" Anna answered.

"Darn, I wanted to play. I feel like I haven't played with her for a while" Phil whined...

"first where did those two come from?" Emma questioned, "you're right, I wonder where they went" Norman replied "Carol is replacing Conny, so they're replenishing the merchandise" Norman deducted.
"yeah, if this place is a farm and not a orphanage... They must have a base where they have one year olds... Create or kidnapped to replenish the farm" Ray explains "and that Sister" he continued.

"so Carol... And also all of us came from there?" Emma asked, "probably" Ray answered. "a base to supply more human livestock from, its significance that there is Sister other than mom. So the adults who obey the demons... Are they under the control of demons since birth, or are they captured after being born in a human society? How will we survive after we escape changes depending on that, there might be other farms just like here" Norman concluded

'the background of those two is... key to solving the mystery of the outside' Norman thought, "it's also significant that we got a new sibling, even if the other kids don't have a mark... Since she just arrived she might have one" Ray said.

'a scar from where the tracking device was implanted!' Emma thought, "at present we have three things to think about" Ray spoke gesturing three fingers, "one, the adults are the key to finding out about the outside, two, Carol might give us a clue about the tracking devices and three... There is definitely something wrong with the way mom is proceeding with things" Ray concluded.

"huh? Wait? What? Huh?" Emma exclaimed, "think about it isn't it weird? She showed us things on make us nervous, she did it with the tracking devices, she did it again this time. It's suspicious clearly some thing's going on... If she already knows just get us and ship us out immediately! That's all she has to do" Ray pointed out, 'true' Emma realised.

"but mom's not doing that, there's a reason or she's not purposely doing so because she have an objective." Norman deducted, 'a reason an an objective?' Emma thought "like what?" she asked, "I don't know" Norman answered.

"but that's why we can't really figure out mom's strategy and if we don't know how the enemy's going to act, there isn't a moment to lose. You get it, right Emma?" Ray asked, "yeah!" Emma replied. 'we don't know what mom is thinking, that means we don't know what she's going to do. We don't know when we'll be in a bind...a bind that will kill us, before that happens! as soon as possible! We've got to escape! I'm not going to let an opportunity get away, what we have too... No, what I have to do nest is... 'Emma thought.

"we won't be able to get near her" Ray commented, leave it to me I'll get the clues to the tracking devices from Carol!" Emma spoke up.'all of us will get out of this farm alive, I'm not going to lose not to the demons...not to the adults" Emma though determined.

-only after I've realised that I wrote some stuff in the incorrect sequence, idk if u noticed or not either way just suck it up and live with it.

You'll see Sin more the next chapter I promise

Vote or the demon will come for you 😇

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