"What's wrong?" He asks, but Louis just leans forward, cupping his hands around his mouth and bringing it close to Harry's ear to whisper into it.

"I love you." Is all he says (it comes out as "I luv you") and Harry's brain starts screaming at him about how fucking adorable Louis Tomlinson is and how much he wants to spent the rest of his life with his man.

"I love you harder."

Louis smiles widely at that, cheekbones defined and eyes crinkling and everything.

"I need my tea or Imma kill somebody." He says then, pecking Harry on the lips before sprinting into the hallway and towards the stairs.

Harry chuckles to himself, following him slowly. Louis is already down the stairs as Harry rounds the corner into the hallway, where he stops abruptly.

Niall is laying on the stone floor, sleeping.

Apparently Louis didn't see him, or he simply didn't care.

Harry kneels down in front of Niall and gently shakes his arm.
"Niall." He whisper-shouts to wake him up.

"No." Niall replies, groaning.

"You have to stand up. The floor is too cold to sleep on. You'll get sick and we don't want that."

"'s comfy" Niall mumbles into his own arm and rolls onto his stomach.

"Nialler please stand up." Harry says again and Niall lifts his head, facing Harry but keeping his eyes closed.

"Three words, say them and I'm yours." He says and Harry starts to smile.

"I have food." He says.

Niall opens his eyes immediately, raising from the ground onto his feet in a matter of seconds.
"That's my boy." He says and claps the dust off of his jeans, apparently not hungover at all after everything.

They walk downstairs together and into the kitchen, where Louis sits at the kitchen island, elbows resting on the shining counter and holding a cup of tea.
Apparently, they're the first ones up.

"Mornin' mate." He greets Niall and Harry walks over to him, kissing him on the forehead while reaching behind Louis to pull a bowl out of the shelf he's sitting in front of.

"Glad you didn't say 'good morning' because this morning isn't good." Niall mumbles, scratching his ass over his sweatpants and yawning.

Harry shakes his head at that.
Sometimes Niall is disgusting.

"I made tea." Louis says.

"I don't want tea." Niall replies, pulling out a bag of toast.

"I wasn't planning on giving you any. This is my tea." Louis huffs and takes a sip.

"Then, why are you telling me?" Niall sighs and puts the bread into the toaster, pulling out a plate.

"I was trying to start a conversation."

"Well it's a cunt-y conversation starter." Niall mumbles and watches with narrowed eyes, as Louis hands Harry his cup for him to try, without even having to ask for it.

"What are we doing? We're having a conversation." Louis states, "Checkmate."

Niall sends him the finger and Louis sends two back.

"I should sit next to a B-list celebrity now and wonder where I've seen them before." Niall rests his chin on the palms of his hands, leaning forward on the counter, elbows propped up on the polished wood.

"Cry me a river." Louis mumbles and looks at Harry questionably, taking his cup back.

"It's good." Harry answers the unspoken question.

And no, it isn't just good. It is freaking amazing. Not only his body warms with the hot liquid, but also his heart warms, because Louis' tea still tastes exactly the same.

It makes Harry so entirely happy to not only see and say the same things again to Louis, but also feel them. Feel his kisses, feel his hand in his, feel his body cuddling up against his own, tasting the well-known taste of his tea and smelling him in general.

He really is happy, being back together with Louis, living with his best friends and some new ones in this beautiful castle that isn't as cold as he had seen it like the first time he had entered the grounds at all.

It is warm and red and loud and it smells of candles and pancakes and old gold.

Speaking of his friends, Zayn, Liam and Taylor enter the kitchen together, Taylor and Zayn wearing matching silk robes (Zayn in cream and Taylor in red) while Liam is dressed in nothing but Calvin Klein boxers.

"Isn't that cold?" Harry asks and shivers, feeling Louis' arms around him a moment later. He smiles and presses a kiss to Louis' hoodie-clad wrist, before pulling out a pan and a bowl to start with the pancakes.
Louis stands up as well, keeping his arms around Harry uncomfortably and walking with him.

Liam only shakes his head shrugging as an answer and walks over to the cupboard, pulling out a glass and filling it with water.

"Morning Niall, Hi Harry," Zayn greets them and pauses, looking at Louis, a smirk forming on his lips. "Sup daddy."

Niall bursts out laughing at their old inside joke and Taylor rolls her eyes, grinning.

"It was one time." Harry defends himself.

"Wait- seriously?" Taylor asks and looks at the two shocked.

Harry feels Louis shrugging behind him and he can literally see the smirk on his lips without turning around.

"We wanted to try something."

Taylor raises her eyebrows. "Ok, I'll change the topic now."

Harry lets out a relieved breath and takes the tea from Louis again, taking another gulp and watching Niall as the blonde sends him a deathly glare.

Harry only smiles sweetly and lets out a drawn out "Ah." as the deliciously warm liquid flows down his throat.

Taylor turns to Harry. "Did it hurt?"

"What, you mean when I fell from heaven?" He responds immediately, he's waited for this question his whole life.

"No, I mean when Louis fucked you last night." Taylor says and high-fives Zayn while Harry's jaw drops.

"Okay, that's enough, we can stop it with the sex jokes now, becau- Lou, why are you high-fiving her for that?" He asks, watching incredulously as Louis laughs.

"It was funny."

"No it wasn't. Besides, not that it's any of your business, but Louis and I didn't even have sex last night." He crosses his arms in front of his chest and Niall chokes on his toast.

"Why not?" Zayn asks interested and slams his hand way harder than needed onto Niall's back repeatedly.

"Do we have to talk about them having sex while I'm trying to have breakfast?" Liam asks, almost falling asleep in his coffee.

"Well, we did make out pretty hotly." Louis starts, completely ignoring Liam's begging but Harry doesn't really want him to share every single detail about their sex life, so he just asks the first question that will get Louis to shut up.

"Lou, you wanna move in with me? Into my tower?"

And it works. Louis stops talking and looks at him.

"Oh yes, that would be fun." Taylor agrees exited and takes a bite off Niall's toast, hiding behind Zayn the next second.
(Niall is scary when you eat his food.)

"That's only fun until you hear them at night." Liam mumbles and Harry turns his head towards him.

"Really Liam? YOU?"

"I thought you'd never ask." Louis thankfully changes the topic again, kissing Harry on his mouth before handing him his almost empty cup and walking towards the door.
"I'll start now. This is going to be great."

And Harry watches fondly as Louis skips a few steps into the hallway.

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