where is mom and dad?

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1 January 1997-"Don't cry Kevin" say his sister and said "I also call mom and dad but they didn't answer my phone call maybe they go to that trip right so they might so enjoy and about to forget us"."But it's been 4 days and now is new year we always celebrate together now only we two I want to see mom and dad Jane" said Kevin while cry."Its ok don't cry they will come you go and sleep tomorrow we need to wake up " said Jane."Why!!" Asked Kevin with curiosity."Oh you forget why tomorrow is your fifth year starting day so you need to sleep if not you will sleep in the school on your first day do you want" said Jane with a little harsh."ah no why this holiday run so fast"Kevin with a sad face."Even you cry to death you must go to the school and I also have go to my university for the first time so let's go and sleep at our room"said Jane with sleepy voice.Suddenly all of the house become so dark and she walk through with it it feel like her mom and dad calling her name but the voice were so annoyed and Jane ask who is that does that mom and dad but her brother stay there and says we need to go there we need to go to her house with a repeat and she ask her brother" where to go who's house what the hell are you talking". And her brother say "we need to go to the Alison house"."why what are you talking are you pranking me "."No mom and father asking we to go there come let's go we need to"said Kevin.All of a sudden Kevin shout " oh no she is coming"Jane ask" who". Kevin say" Alison"Jane ask repeatly "who is Alison and what are you talking and where is Alison"and Kevin said " Alison is behind you "point hand behind her" Jane turn and shock a burn face with bridal outfit and that girl slap Jane and said "you're dead" and kills with her ugly and long finger nail"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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