Why Choose Me - Introduction

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Cody EJ Anderson is the geek who is terrible at rizzing up girls. That doesn't stop him from trying. It makes sense; he refers to himself as the 'ladies' man.' He likes to think of himself as the quote-on-quote cool guy. In reality, he is a nerd.

Noah Sterecra spends time reading any book he can keep his hands on. He has been a bookworm and never goes anywhere without one. Noah is sarcastic, cynical, pessimistic, and lazy to most, though he is far from being unethical. But a nerd, just like Cody.

The two boys, who have never met before until this show, suddenly start making each other question themselves. Noah always knew boys liked girls and girls liked boys, but now he rethinks everything. Noah is just Noah.


Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson, voiced by:

Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson, voiced by:

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Peter Oldring


Noah Sterecra, voiced by:

Noah Sterecra, voiced by:

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Carter Hayden


{Hopefully, you all will enjoy this story; I will try to post chapter one soon. School is keeping me very busy}

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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