lets go

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For 3 hours putting tin foil all over his dorm we hid a go pro to see his reaction we put it on top the cupboard behind his reading glasses so i hacked the computer to show what was happening on the go pro . Pacifica said you are a genius. Acctully I had my iq tested and i was one point from genius. She rolled her eyes. shh she said he is coming to the room i hear steps. He came in he yelled loudly we laughed so hard we cried good thing boys room was across the school so he could not hear us. He sighed with anger and tried to rip the paper down. we busted out laughing. He said I have to tell my friends how mad i am. he left. so we ran across the school to grab the go pro and ripped down the paper. I hacked into the security cams in the whole school to see what he does. He was at the smoothie bar. He yelled you should come see it so they went to the room it had no paper. His friends thought he was crazy. He yelled IT WAS THERE THE PRANKER TOOK IT DOWN!!

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