Lunch time or should i say what is this ? #2

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I walked over and sat down with Gabby and the rest of the people. Now that I was closer I could see what they looked like , one of them was a boy and the rest where girls. The boy had a floppy hat, freckles across his nose under green eyes , and brown hair. One of the girls had faint flecks sliver in her eyes which were brown and dirty blonde hair and which looked like had natural red highlights. The other girl had black hair and brown-green eyes. They all seemed to be new students just like me.
As I sat down she looked eager to talk , when I was situated she introduced us. Adriana this is Travis, she pointed to the boy , this is Lilyana she said pointing to the dirty blonde girl , and this is Addy she said pointing to the black haired girl. Suddenly I realized we were going to be great friends.

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