Chapter 4: Dmitri dies and nothing else happens

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I was testing chat

11:00 A.M

Neito Monoma: Omg

Neito Monoma: What in the fuck i just found something in the bushes by our dorms.

Judge Man: ?

Megamind: ?

Heavy Weapons Guy: ?

Neito Monoma: Da heck is it?

Neito Monoma: :0

Neito Monoma: Omg

Neito Monoma: I think I just found an inflatoplane.

Neito Monoma has posted whatthefuckisthisthing.png to I was testing chat.

Judge Man: What in the world?

Megamind: How and why and what.

Heavy Weapons Guy: ???

Heavy Weapons Guy: What the heck is inflatoplane?

Megamind: Oh you don't know?

Megamind: It's an interesting thing that was made way back in the day.

Megamind: It's basically a plane that blows up like a balloon, so you can carry it around on a car for a camping trip or airdrop tons of them into enemy grounds for stranded pilots.

Heavy Weapons Guy: Oh.

Mokey Mokey Motherfucker: bruh who in their right mind would get on a contraption that blows up my main man?

Megamind: No, I mean it blows up like a balloon.

Heavy Weapons Guy: Hm.

Mokey Mokey Motherfucker: my point stands my man. burning rubber aint a reason to get high duuude

Judge Man: Actually, inflatoplanes are made up not of rubber, but a highly durable yet stretchy synthetic material called airmat. It is quite safe, though impractical for actual usage. Though, I do believe according to the law, they qualify as ultralight aircraft which allows people without license to engage in flight using them... as unsafe as that sounds.

Megamind: Actually I'm pretty sure early inflatoplanes were made of rubber...

Judge Man: ...? Oh, those older experimental ones manufactured in other countries. Yeah those older ones were a bid for a safer aircraft, making a frame out of rubber, but only a handful exist. Airmat is a far superior material and allows for aerodynamic constructions unlike rubber which creates balloon-like and slow flying aircraft.

Megamind: Yeah... those ones.

Mokey Mokey Motherfucker: my dude... you gotta spend some time out of the books mannnnn...

Judge Man: I'm going to have to decline your offer Belowski.

Megamind: Hmmm I wonder who's inflatoplane this one is.

Harrison has joined I was testing chat.

Harrison has changed their username to Playing Tennis on my Wii.

Cyber Blader: Fuck no.

Cyber Blader has left I was testing chat (Reason: Not dealing with his shit).

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