The Pink Woman #2

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A man came and grabbed me from the bright colored beds, he took me from the room and out of a dull white building. There were all different things outside... but everything was gray.

Nothing had color. Nothing was bright and happy... It was all dull and sad. But then a person walked past me and the man and his eyes were a bright astounding green, they were beautiful!

The man holding me walked up to a door and banged on it. The loud sound hurt my ears so much that I started crying. The man started to try and shush me as the door he knocked on opened and a lady with brown and a pink dress stepped out.

"Ah Charlesss, your back. I'm guessing you have another child who doesn't have the gift?" the pink woman hissed out. "How do you always know Cherrie?" I was handed from the man too the woman in pink, she started to dry my tears.

"What's his name Charless?" she asked quietly, almost like she was scared to speak any louder. "I'm not sure his mother died during the operation, she never got the chance to name him" He softly told the pink woman.

"Why did i have a feeling that would be the case with this one" She slowly pushed her fingers into my barely there white hair. "Do what you want with the little rodent I don't care" The man walked away leaving me with the pink woman.

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