034 | not normal but almost

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Karma, a destiny that decides someone's fate in the future based on the person's previous action and decisions. Is karma what I'm experiencing right now? Trusting Prince Jay was the action and decision I made, and now I'm here, locked inside a Fire Nation prison.

I wish I could go back in time to where I met Prince Jay in Ba Sing Se so I can change everything that happened back then. I know it's was a risky decision to be with Prince Jay and I ended up looking like a fool without realizing it until it was too late.

But what am I supposed to do? What happened in the past has already passed by, there's nothing I can do to change what has happened and it sucks. And unfortunately, that's not the only thing I would like to change because it sucks. My cell.

I thought I was going to be permanently replaced inside this cell because Prince Jay wanted to talk with me but I still haven't returned to my original cell. My new cell is still as cold and small as my old one, the only difference is that I have a chair instead of a mattress as my bed. I haven't been able to sleep properly since I came here, some nights I can't even sleep at all.

I'm not even allowed to be outside anymore, I am spending all the 24 hours inside this cell which has made me lose my sense of time. Before was the highlight of the day when I was allowed to be outside, now is the highlight of the day when the guards come with my food. Whenever the guards come with my food I always try to ask them why am I still inside the cell and when I'm being transferred back into my regular cell, but they never give me answers to any of my questions. 

"I don't want to live like this" I whispered to myself.

"I miss Jake, Riki, Daye, Teacher Haji , mother and father.. I miss them so much.." I continued to whisper to myself while my voice started to tremble because of the tears from my eyes.

The tears covered my eyes from seeing anything, my vision was all blurred. I am sitting down on the floor with my knees up to my chest while crying out loud all by myself. What would happen if the guards would hear me? Would they start to feel pity and let me transfer back to my old cell or would they just laugh at me for being weak?

The second option feels more right..

I still have tears running down from my eyes and down on my cheeks but my vision is slowly going back to normal again. The door suddenly swung open and a guard walked in while I tried to wipe off the tears.

"Follow me" The guard simply said.

I followed the guards instructions and followed him. The guard let me out from the cell, through the hallways which led me outside, outside with fresh air and sunlight. It felt like the tears were almost coming back while I was looking up at the bright blue sky above me.

I never thought I would see this view again. Being inside my cell has not only made me lose sense of time, but also hope. I had given up everything and accepted how reality looked because I thought there's no way this is ever going to change.

And here I am, having a speech about hope because I'm looking at the sky right now. This is why we should be appreciated of the things we have, even if it's very small.

"How are you? Are you okay? You look so pale" A unfamiliar voice suddenly approached me.

I looked down from the sky and down to the girl around my age who stood in front of me. She looked really concerned and worried while looking at me. Is it that bad? 

"If you would have asked me a few minutes ago then my answer would be no, but since you're asking me right now, yes I'm fine" I answered and formed a small smile while I talked.

"Are you sure? Even if you're smiling, can I still see the sadness inside of you. I usually see you walking around the yard all by yourself but last time I saw you were you dragged away with one of the guards, did anything happen?" The girl asked.

"Prince Jay wanted to talk with me and then I ended up being locked inside a cell. I don't know how long I stayed there since I lost my sense of time after not being able to go outside and lack of sleeping hours" I answered.

"What have you done against the Fire nation?" I added to change the conversation topic. 

"Because I'm viewed as a traitor in my nation. There was someone who leaked information about Fire Lord Sejo's new plan to extinct all the earthbenders and the entire population of the Fire Nation immediately supported it. Or well maybe I should say the entire population expect me" The girl started.

"My father is an earthbender but lives here in Fire Nation with me and my mother. Yet Fire Lord Sejo still took my father away from me. I stood up against my nation which led me here, known for being a traitor. And you?" The girl added.

"I guess you could say that I broke Prince Jay's heart, plus I'm also an earthbender" I simply replied.

The girl's eyes widened a little bit after hearing that I had broken Prince Jay's heart but then let out a small chuckle. I thought everyone who was locked in here was scary, muscular older men but knowing there is someone around my age here as well feels quite comfortable for some reason.

It makes me feel less alone.

"Prisoners, it's time to go back to your cells" Someone yelled out.

Me and my new found friend looked at each other after listening to the order. The girl looked at me with a smile before she began walking towards her direction, my opposite direction. I quickly grabbed her wrist which made her stop and turn around to look at me again.

"I'm Aeji" I said.

"Yein" She replied while she kept a smile on her face.

I smiled back at Yein while I let her wrist go so the both of us could head towards our direction. When I turned around, I almost bumped into a guard because he was standing right in front of me. The guard didn't say anything but even without saying any words, I already knew that I was going to follow him.

I followed the guard to an unknown destination. The direction was a little bit different this time but it's different in a positive way. The guard suddenly stopped. I looked at my right and saw my cell, my old cell. I immediately stepped inside and the guard closed the door as soon as I was inside.

I almost threw my body down on the mattress even if I knew if it was going to hurt, which it did. But the pain didn't hurt that much since I'm so relieved to finally be back inside this cell. My life has not returned to normal again but at least it's back to more normal compared to earlier today. 

2nd year of high school is much more stressful comparing to 1st year :)

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