Home time

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You wake up in Jacks tent cuddled up to him and you just lie there for abit until he wakes up
Jack:Morning-He yawns-
You:Morning!You can't tell my dad about this tomorrow
You:Because he's just never let me meet any of you but hopefully he will soon
Jack:He should it's not like you will do anything is it!
You:No i guess not! I'm gonna go back to my tent and getting ready because I'm going today!
Jack:Before you go..
Jack:You called me fit last night but I'm pretty sure it's because you were drunk
You:Does this show it wasn't because I was drunk-You kiss him-
You:Right I need to get to my tent!-You give him your number-Message me later:)
You leave the tent and you go back to yours with Jacks top on still and Sasha is at the tent getting ready and so do you:

You and Sasha go to the train station and you get on your train Sasha:So fill me in on what happened!You:Nothing really! I just woke up in his tent and with his top on that I've still got!Sasha:Oo lucky you!You:Now tell me about you!Sasha:The same...

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You and Sasha go to the train station and you get on your train
Sasha:So fill me in on what happened!
You:Nothing really! I just woke up in his tent and with his top on that I've still got!
Sasha:Oo lucky you!
You:Now tell me about you!
Sasha:The same thing really except from me and Phil kissed
You:Ooo!-Your phone buzzes- Two secs
You answer your message and it's from jack
Jack:Hey beautiful!
You:Hey! Missing me already?
Jack:Haha your funny, I just wanted to see if your on your train and on there safe?
You:Yeah I'm good! Are you on yours safely?
You:Okay give me a few mins! Im just going toilet
As your walking to the toilet you walk past jack Phil and Raheem
Jack:No way..
Raheem:Yeah what's wrong mate?
Jack:That was y/n!
Phil:She's coming back this way!-You walk towards them-
You:omg hey jack! Oh hey Phil and Raheem! You all okay?
Phil:Yeah we're good! Where you going to?
You:Hmm... let me think!
Jack:Phil she's obviously going London Phil she lives there with Southgate -They all laugh-
Raheem:Why don't you go get Sasha and come sit with us?
You:Yeah Will do!
You and Sasha sit with them for the rest of the journey and you finally get home..

Word count:410 x

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