"I don't.....I don't know what happened" I said quietly and I pulled back slightly to see her looking at me in shock as she slowly pulled away and fell onto her butt.

"You don't.....know?" She asked and I shook my head causing her to scowl "YOU KILLED MIKEY! YOU'RE THE REASON THAT HE'S DEAD" she screamed as she raised her hand again but I quickly grabbed both of her hands "I JUST TRAVELED BACK HERE! I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!" I yelled and she froze "You're....the Takemichi that went back in time to help me" she whispered and I nodded as more tears began streaming down my bloodied face.

"Please....tell me what happened" my voice cracked but I didn't care.

Y/N looked away "Ok.....I'll tell you"

~Flashback In Y/N's POV~

I was walking down the street with my boyfriend, Manjiro Sano. I smiled at him "Are we still hanging out with Draken and Takemichi later?" I asked and he nodded while grinning "Cool cool" I said as I grabbed his hand and pulled him along to our house.

We walked inside and I dragged him up to our room.

"Get dressed into something more decent" I said and he frowned "I don't wanna" he whined and I rolled my eyes "You're 25, stop acting like a little kid" I said and he laughed a bit as he walked over to the closet.

I fixed my hair up and placed light make-up on before looking over to see Mikey getting stuck inside of his turtle neck causing me to laugh loudly. "Oh wow, that's a very interesting style" I said while laughing and he frowned at me "Help!" He said and I walked over before lifting the shirt back up "arms up" I said and he lifted his arms into the air as I pulled the shirt off of him and grabbed a black long sleeve. "Put this on" I said and he quickly slipped it on.

I reached up and fixed his short black hair before laughing "I can't believe that you really dyed it black, trying to be like Chifuyu and Takemichi, huh?" I asked jokingly and he smiled "No way!" He said and I laughed before ruffling his hair "It suits you, come on" I said as I took my phone and pulled him along.

We walked outside and began making our way down to the hotel that Takemichi and Draken were meeting us at. Mikey wrapped his arm around my waist "I have something to ask you after this" he said and I raised a brow "Why can't you just ask me now?" I asked and he smiled "Because I don't wanna" he said and I scoffed causing him to laugh even more. "There it is!" I said as I grabbed his hand and began running towards the large hotel.

"Who's going to be there again?" I asked and Mikey shrugged "A bunch of people" he said and I hummed as we walked inside and there was a whole crowd of people walking around and dancing. "Don't get lost" I said as I locked our fingers together and he held on tightly while swinging our arms around.

"Y/N! You made it" Takemichi's voice rang out as I looked over and smiled "Ah hey!" I greeted as he hugged me and I hugged him back before he looked at Mikey "Hey Mikey!" He greeted and Mikey smiled "Hello Takemitchy" he replied and I looked around.

"Where's Draken?" I asked and Takemichi looked around "He's somewhere, anyways I wanted you-" he was cut off by someone.

"Mikey and Y/N, nice to see you guys again" Kisaki's voice rang out from behind us. Kisaki had formed a small 'truce' between us about 2 years ago. He hadn't done a single thing to us and we haven't done anything to him and his 'friends' either. "May I offer a toast?" He asked as he handed me and Mikey a drink "Thanks" I said as I sipped on the alcohol and Mikey did the same....although he was a bit more hesitant than me.......I should've been more hesitant.

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