Dinner party P1

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Last chapter I got so many things wrong after I read it my bad but if you understood then good 😄


Enjoyyyyy 😉

Enzo's POV:

After what had happened I couldn't be bothered to show up at the dinner party but my mother did prep it and I didn't want to disappoint her,after I came back home I filled everyone in on what had happened they where shocked at the fact a women had attacked me since I am one of the most powerful assassins in the world but I just brushed it off and went straight to my bedroom to take a nap well I tried,she was just on my mind all damn night the way she was on top of me turned me on her brattiness everything about her I couldn't get her out of my head and it was irritating me.

I'm getting dressed right now to go meet people and welcome them,I'm wearing a white shirt and the 3 buttons at the top are opened with a black blazer and black trousers

I'm getting dressed right now to go meet people and welcome them,I'm wearing a white shirt and the 3 buttons at the top are opened with a black blazer and black trousers

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

I walk downstairs and see about 55 people talking and kids running around,I make my way to the last step and see my mother I go up to her and kiss her forehead

"Talking about my handsome son" she says smiling kissing my cheek

"Do you remember me" the man says

"Of course I do Uncle Stefan right" I say his smile grows wider,Stefan has ash colourhair he's 49 years old and he's about 6ft

"Not quite right" he says,I look at him confused

"You favourite Uncle Stefan" he says I chuckle and so does my mother

"Well nice to meet you again cool uncle,I need to go and meet other people see you later" I say with a smile

"Sure sure go ahead" he says moving to the side for me to walk of and so I do giving him a smile

Bella's POV:

As we pull up the guards open the gate for us,I look out the window and see a huge mansion I wasn't expecting this but shes definitely a wealthy women,my eyes widen as we get closer the house was beautiful,we park outside the house, seeing a lot of cars and some people outside talking,we all get out and walk towards the house

"Who is this women" Nico and Sofia say at the same time looking at the house

We get closer to the front door and where greeted by Angela,she smiles seeing me

"I'm so happy you made it Isabella" she says embracing me in a hug and I return it

"Of course,this is my family" I say,she looks at them and smiles as they are trading names and shacking hands my curious ass walks off into the house seeing about 80 people

"Welcome everyone,will be having dinner at this second,everyone make your way into the dining room" a man says from the top of the stairs I look closely and he looks exactly like that mysterious man no,no no no it's just my mind playing tricks.

We all make our way to the dining room and take a seat I'm sitting next to Sofia and Nico is sitting next to me,Alex is next to Nico,my father is sitting next to Alex and Uncle Adrien is next to Sofia and then there's many other people around the table I feel someone looking at me but I ignore it,the house is beautiful and the inside is just french kisses it's amazing.

After a few minutes I see maids entering the room and chefs with trays in there hands placing it on the table,holy shit the food looks delicious,I hear Angela say

"take some"with a smile,
across from me leaving one chair empty

"Your house is beautiful and the food looks amazing" I say,she chuckles

"Well thank you dear"

"Who may this be" I hear a deep voice say behind Angela it was the man from before the one who was at the top of the stairs,he walks towards her and places his hands on her shoulders

"Do you remember the girl I told you about,the one I met and the store" she says looking up at him

"Oh yes Isabella is it?" He says taking a seat next to her and pecking her lips,yup that's her husband for sure but he doesn't take the empty seat he sits on the other one opposite my father

"Yes Isabella it is,and you?"I say smiling,why does he look so much like him this is really weird

"Dante" he says

I'm talking to Sofia while Angela introduces my family to Dante

I start to eat,picking up my fork and knife I cut into the chicken and place it in my mouth,I see my dad speaking to Dante and Nico is talking to Alex making him laugh and Uncle Adrien is talking to this man he has ash coloured hair

I hear the doors open to the dining room and it drops dead silent,why is everyone so quiet I keep eating my food and I look up to see him,I choke on my chicken and all eyes snap to me even his can this get any worse,I clear my throat and wave at everyone

"Can I help you" I say and they all look down,I hear Dante chuckle before I see that mysterious guy walking towards us he has a smirk on his face at the same time,what was he doing here,was he following me,i just wanted to slice his throat right then and there,he takes a seat opposite me DANG IT,his eyes still on me and everyone is still quiet I'm here glaring at him while he's there smirking,dude I literally got murder on my mind

"You all may eat" he says,bish who does he think he is giving us orders on when to eat,I chop the chicken and eat it while glaring at him and he's there smirking

"This is my son Lorenzo" I choke again on the fine food

"Girl are you good" Sofia says

"I'm-dying-bitch-I'm dying" I say coughing after ever word,I hear Nico and some other dude laughing,Sofia starts smacking my back

"Water-I NEED WATER" I shout,Sofia passes me water while Nico is holding his tummy laughing,I chug the glass of water and I look up seeing LOrEnZo chuckling cute wait what

"And who is this mother" the guy who was laughing too says walking toward us

"Isabella,the one that I met at the store" she says,no one dared to look up they just kept talking among themselves,this was still embarrassing are you not embarrassed

"Well nice to meet you choking girl" he says,Sofia's eyes snap to him and she starts laughing

"Hahahah choking girl,the only thing she will be choking on is mah big non existing dic-" I slap my hand on her mouth to shut her up and she starts to muffle the words

"What a beautiful family you have Mr Fernandez" Dante says chuckling,well thanks a lot father you told these bastards everything.


Word count:1259

How was this chapter??

I'll try to post today later on again

Oh and my last chapter I spelt Adrien wrong his name is Adrien not Aidan 😂

Mia Regina | ongoingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora