Hunger and planning

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The next few days Mila found herself huddled around a table with Barton and the captain, a pot of coffee constantly being refilled and Barton half asleep on the table. Natasha had dedicated herself to finding the location of the Red Room with the help of "some old friends" as she put it. The boys went over Mila's plan of the building hundreds of times figuring out any possible way in or out. Mila stared out the window, not really feeling needed apart from random bits of information she could give.

"What about the vents? That's probably the most effective way in and out" Clint said scribbling something on a copy of the drawing

"Yea, yea that could work" The captain agreed studying the map

"You won't fit, even if the system is wide enough the hatches aren't. Maybe I could fit but you two for sure wouldn't" she didn't even glance at them as she said it, keeping her arms crossed over her chest.

"That rules that one out" The captain crossed out the plan with the word "Vents" written over it.

Mila finally stood up and went to stand next to the captain. She looked down at the plan for a mere moment before grabbing a pen and drawing all over it. Steve and Clint gave each other a look while she frantically scribbled on the page.

When Mila was done she stepped back so both men could see the plan, now covered in red lines and random words.

"We split into two teams, two go in through the roof the other two through the garbage hatch"

"Seriously the garbage hatch!" Clint moaned, pressing the palms of his hands into his eyes.

"You got any better ideas, cause from what I've heard you've got nothing" Mila retorted, shitting Barton up

"I thought you said you didn't know anything about the 4th floor?" The captain

"No but I used to have to climb up the side of the building 3 times a week and I'm certain there is an escape hatch up there" Mila drew out an extra square, mapping out where she remembered the hatch and vent system to be.

"Once we are inside, we'll have to disable the guards and who ever else you find, scientists, doctors, probably even widows. If we sweep all the floors and plant explosives-"

"What about all the girls we can't just leave them there"

"I was getting to that" she said through gritted teeth. God she hated when people interrupted her

"We plant the explosives on each floor, the top floor is where the girls are experimented on. Most will be unconscious, if we're quick we can get them out. As for the others, they'll either be unconscious in the dorms or under mind control. I don't know how we could save the ones being controlled, but we can wake up the unconscious all at once and get them out. Some may fight us, most will be young"

"So we go methodically floor to floor, without being caught. And getting everyone possible out." Barton said studying the picture

"We're working with possibly outdated information and there are only 4 of us. I told you this was crazy"

Barton and Rogers shrugged "sounds like a plan"


Natasha had been working on finding the location of the red room for days before she finally decided to ask for help. That came in the form of Tony Stark who made light work of what she had tirelessly been trying to do. She hadn't wanted Tony on this mission at all, deeming the subject too private for anyone but Steve and Clint to know about.

When she finally asked for his help within 2 days she had the rough location of the red room. Tony had used his private satellites and Jarvis to map the entirety of Siberia in only a few days, coming up with a handful of locations that matched the description Mila had given her.

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