The kids a good shot

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Mila currently had Clint Barton in a headlock. A rather peculiar position she thought, to be able to kill an avenger with one swift movement of her arms. The temptation was there for sure.

The man started to choke and splutter as she held in there, fighting the urge to do what she was born to.

"Stop Ivanov '' Natasha said sternly leaning on the wall of Mila's cell, seeming indifferent to the fact that Clint could've very easily just died. Mila released Barton him falling to the floor gasping for air

"You had to hold on for that long" He said laying on the floor

"I'm trained to kill, not to let men go when they can't take it anymore" She said sternly retreating to a corner of the cell. She hadn't been allowed out in three days and she felt as trapped as ever, never knowing what time it was or even the day at this point. Time was measured in what and when she was fed. Luckily the Avengers were not monsters like the Red Room and did actually feed her regularly. She'd taken to scratching her thoughts on the wall next to her bed with one end of the handcuffs, much to Steve Roger's dismay. He had walked in on her scratching something into the wall once, and had scolded her for it. Mila ignored his lecture and replied "If you're going to lock me up with my own thoughts and nothing to do, you'll have to accept that i've resorted to scratching at the walls" That shut him up almost immediately

Today they were "seeing what she could do" as if she might not be good enough to work with the Avengers. They had seen her record in London right? Barton and Romanoff had dragged a training mat in and were taking turns getting their assess beat. Well mainly Clint getting his ass beat, Natasha having almost the same training as Mila was a tougher fight.

"Right my turn" Nat said walking into the middle of the mat. Mila and Natasha stood across from each other in a fighting stance on the mat waiting for the word from Clint.

"3... 2... 1 go" He said crouching on the ground holding his head.

Natasha immediately went for a punch to the stomach that Mila deflected effortlessly, returning with an attempted headshot. They moved around the mat throwing punches and trying to take the opponent's legs out from under them. Though Mila lasted for 20 minutes of constant fighting, even landing a couple punches to Romanoff's nose and stomach. Mila found herself pinned to the floor under the grip of the Black Widow. Mila hit the floor 3 times as she was certain she wouldn't be able to get out from underneath Natasha and the older women let her go. Mila lay there for a second just catching her breath, she'd bit her lip and could taste the blood that had begun to flow.

"You're pretty good kid" Nat said offering a hand to pull her up

"Of course I am," Mila retorted, spitting blood out of her mouth. "If i wasn't i'd be dead"

Natasha's smirk disappeared. Mila was testing the waters, she'd noticed how Romanoff's features stilled anytime she referenced the Red Room. Almost as if the avenger had built a wall of defence to keep the memories from coming back. Mila stared at her quizzically.

Clint stared at the two from his spot on the floor. He was really getting too old for all of this and decided to put an end to the staring competition the two girls were having. He got up off of the floor and kicked at Nat's foot. She seemed to get the message and the two headed out of the room.

Mila stood a little stunned that they hadn't shut the cell door on her, was this a test? To see if she'd make a run for it?

"You coming? We're going to see how good your aim is?" Clint said, poking his head around the doorway. Mila raised an eyebrow, but followed anyway desperate to get out of the stuffy cell and see daylight. They walked in a single file line down the corridor, Natasha leading the way and Clint bringing up the rear.

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