Just shut up and get your ass here!



What the hell...?

Wait, there's someone else in here...

"Uhm... Hello?" you say, sneaking your head inside.

"Ah, perfect timing." the male said.

Ah... It's just Beelzebub.

"Listen, do you have any food on you? Because there's not nearly enough in the fridge."

"I don't. Sorry, Beelzebub."

"You can just call me Beel. Everyone else does." he said "Anyway, what are you doing here up so late?

"I was hungry and couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd come here."

"Ah, you're hungry? That makes two of us, then."

But didn't he just eat everything that was in the fridge?

"In that case, I understand. When you start feeling hungry in the middle of the night, it's not like you can just wait untul morning to eat." he smiled.

"Uh... Beel?"

"Yes? Is there anything you want to talk to me about?"

"Before coming here, I was actually thinking about you and your brothers." you started "Lucifer said there are seven of you, but I haven't meet the seventh yet."

The room goes quiet.

Did I ask something I shouldn't?

But than Beel speaks up.

"Listen, don't you ever mention him in front of Lucifer. Just so we're clear, I'm not going to tell you anything, either. Lucifer would yell at me if I did."

What...? Did they have a fight or something? Maybe I should just ask someone else...

"And don't bother asking any of my brothers, either. No one talks about him."

So Mammon isn't the black sheep of the family. At least not the only one.

A sad expression gets its way to Beelzebub's face.

"Even though he's our brother...we have to treat him like he doesn't exist. It's not right."

This must be hard for him. He really cares for his family...

"You know what? This isn't any of your business. I'm leaving. I've already eaten everything there was in the refrigerator now anyway."

Then he smiles as if this conversation has never happened.

"I'm pretty sure Lucifer is hiding a poisoned apple in the desk in the study."

He left.

He can change subjects just like that?

"Psst...hey!" you hear someone whisper.

"Is that you, God?" you ask, looking up at the ceiling.

"Seriously? No! Over here! Look!"

You look at where the voice is coming from.

It's Levi. Inside a cabinet.

"What are you doing hiding there?!" you ask, trying to contain the laughter from the position the boy was in.

"What do you think? Beel was just in here! I can't have him finding me with you, now can I?"

He got out from the cabinet and walked closer to you.

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